D Block Europe I Just


I JustD Block Europe


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D Block Europe I Just 歌词

GrusPro in your speakers
Skr, skr
Skr, skr, skrrr
I remember
Very cold December
Trapping out of Brenda's
No school attendance
Buj up in the blender
Ten turn on the pressure
If you love me the way you say you do
Then you wouldn't behave the way you do
So much pressure we still remain in cool
Told my darling let's fly out somewhere just me and you
I sip lean but still gotta tell the kids it ain't cool
Westwood wanna interview, me and bro were in Jupiter
She said, "If I take you back, after all of this I'm a fool"
Now she rock a Rollie with the ice bezel looking stupider
I told my fiends the worker's new he does not know the rules
I need a full report if he falls asleep I move stupid-lah
I feel depressed sometimes I do not know what to do
Flashbacks, me and Wasp were in the ride lurking tryna boot 'em up
I remember
Very cold December
Trapping out of Brenda's
No school attendance
Buj up in the blender
Ten turn on the pressure
If you love me the way you say you do
Then you wouldn't behave the way you do
So much pressure we still remain in cool
Told my darling let's fly out somewhere just me and you
It's me and you and we just swervin' round
I can tell you're skeptical, it took a lot to let me get next to you but we learning now
Gelato 41, we burning out
Remember when you hit me, said Jakes are here uncle they are searchin' now
I got tattoos on my face, put the pussy on my smile
Lost child, I might drown
Tend to be there for a while
20 minutes and it's like the river Nile
We can plan the future living in for now
I remember
Very cold December
Trapping out of Brenda's
No school attendance
Buj up in the blender
Ten turn on the pressure
If you love me the way you say you do
Then you wouldn't behave the way you do
So much pressure we still remain in cool
Told my darling let's fly out somewhere just me and you
I remember, bootings in December
Bricks in the Uber
Glasses on a blend cuz
I remember, bootings in December
I remember, bootings in December
Chromes, niggas know, D-Block Europe shit
It's like man's living normal
You know what I'm sayin'!
Cah soon home you know what I'm sayin'
Done 5 years I'm home!
You know!


block europe just

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