Coldplay Life In Technicolor ii


Life In Technicolor iiColdplay


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时间: 04:06 尺寸: 3.77 Mb 下载次数: 0 浏览次数: 6



Coldplay Life In Technicolor ii 歌词

There's a wild wind blowing
Down the corner of my street
Every night there the headlights are glowing
There's a cold war coming
On the radio I heard
Baby, it's a violent world
Oh, love, don't let me go
Won't you take me where the street lights glow
I can hear it coming
I can hear the silent sound
Now my feet won't touch the ground
Time came a-creeping
Oh and time's a loaded gun
(Every road is a ray of light)
It goes on
Time only can lead you on, still it's
Such a beautiful night
Oh, love, don't let me go
Won't you take me where the street lights glow
I can hear it coming
Like a serenade of sound
Now my feet won't touch the ground
Gravity, release me
And don't ever hold me down
Now my feet won't touch the ground

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