Coldplay Hymn For The Weekend


Hymn For The WeekendColdplay


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时间: 03:40 尺寸: 3.38 Mb 下载次数: 2 浏览次数: 7



Coldplay Hymn For The Weekend 歌词

Oh, angel sent from up above
You know you make my world light up
When I was down, when I was hurt
You came to lift me up
Life is a drink and love's a drug
Oh, now I think I must be miles up
When I was a river dried up
You came to rain a flood
Got me feeling drunk and high
So high, so high
Now I'm feeling drunk and high
So high, so high
Feeling drunk and high
Feeling drunk and high
So high
Oh, angel sent from up above
I feel it coursing through my blood
Life is a drink, your love's about
To make the stars come out
Got me feeling drunk and high
So high, so high
Now I'm feeling drunk and high
So high, so high
Feeling drunk and high
Feeling drunk and high
So high
That we shoot across the sky
That we shoot across the
That we shoot across the sky
That we shoot across the
That we shoot across the sky
That we shoot across the
That we shoot across the sky
That we shoot across the

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