CamelPhat feat AuRa-Panic Room


feat AuRa-Panic RoomCamelPhat


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CamelPhat feat AuRa-Panic Room 歌词

[Verse 1]
Hell raising, hair raising
I'm ready for the worst
So frightening, face whitening
Fear that you can't reverse

My phone has no signal
It's making my skin crawl
The silence is so loud
The lights spark and flicker
With monsters much bigger
Than I can control now

Welcome to the panic room
Where all your darkest fears are gonna
Come for you, come for you
Welcome to the panic room
You'll know I wasn't joking
When you see them, too, see them, too

Welcome to the panic room
Welcome to the panic room

[Verse 2]
Still waiting, hands shaking
Maybe the coast will clear
But these voices, these strange noises
They followed me in here

My phone has no signal
It's making my skin crawl
The silence is so loud
The lights spark and flicker
With monsters much bigger
Than I can control now

Welcome to the panic room
Where all your darkest fears are gonna
Come for you, come for you
Welcome to the panic room
You'll know I wasn't joking
When you see them, too, see them, too

Welcome to the panic room
Welcome to the panic room
Welcome to the panic room

There's no crying wolves now
'Cause the truth has settled in
Hiding under goose down
For your nightmare to begin

Welcome to the panic room

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