Burna Boy Real Life (feat Stormzy)


Real Life (feat Stormzy)Burna Boy


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Burna Boy Real Life (feat Stormzy) 歌词

It ain't like you hearing it and it's like moving you

You know music is, and the music you making is life, and it's like new life

It's important to me to understand the state of mind

And the life you live and where you're, you know, where you're at right now

Pull up like, "Surprise, surprise, it's the President"

Can't you see that I'm in my element?

I might just decide to slide on my enemies

I go along on a glide for the hell of it

I bring a different vibe when I'm steppin' in

If a nigga ain't right, I'm correcting him

Everybody know for sure, I'ma take it there

So cross your T's and dot your I's when you're messaging

I never subscribe to guys on the internet

Living for the clout, telling lies to the press again

Better don't take me for the fool I ain't never been

Don't bother with lies, I'm wise when I'm checkin' in

I'm redirecting dem back to the sender men

Then you go see reality, go start arresting dem

Be like say dem no hear when I was telling dem

Life real, I ain't never like the rest of them

Yes, we are blessed but it's harder to see sometimes

Tryna find my peace of mind

You said how could we be so blinded?

You just follow your dreams and go live your life

I give you something to believe in, I'ma be the reason

So please (So please), please stay (Please stay)

Say you won't leave (Say you won't leave)

Real life is for living but the vibes you've been giving's not true

So please stay

We'll share the whole thing, yeah

Real life is for living

Use this life that you're living, be free

I wonder which style dem guys dem go try now

If una never hear my story, make you find out

I know say nobody is an island

But if dem wan fuck you for nyash, make you no lie down

And I know you fit later realize am

But the way you don dey move, I no dey like am

Somebody want to wear the shoe wey no size am

Me I be destiny's child, a survivor

Real, no be China

Come here, I've been the guy

And nothing I ever said ever been a lie

Anytime you see me, look up in the sky

I can see the daylight in the night

When you see a soldier smile, it's a good sign

That's the way it is on the Southside

I no go let you slide, no, not this time

But now I'm tryna ride, fuck a good time


Yes, we are blessed but it's harder to see sometimes

Tryna find my peace of mind

You said how could we be so blinded?

You just follow your dreams and go live your life

I give you something to believe in, I'ma be the reason

So please (So please), please stay (Please stay)

Say you won't leave (Say you won't leave)

Real life is for living but the vibes you've been giving's not true

So please stay

We'll share the whole thing, yeah

Real life is for living

Use this life that you're living, be free

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