Bob Marley Soul Rebel


Soul RebelBob Marley


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时间: 03:22 尺寸: 3.10 Mb 下载次数: 1 浏览次数: 17



Bob Marley Soul Rebel 歌词

I'm a rebel, soul rebel

I'm a capturer, soul adventurer

I'm a rebel, soul rebel

I'm a capturer, soul adventurer

See the morning sun (ah-ah-ah-ah-ah) on the hillside (ooh)

Not living good, yeah - travel wide

Said, I'm a living man (ah-ah-ah-ah-ah); I've got work to do (ooh)

If you're not happy, children, then you must be blue

(Must be blue, must be blue) people say

People say

I'm a rebel, let them talk;

Soul rebel, talk won't bother me

I'm a capturer, that's what they say

(Soul adventurer) Night and day

(I'm a rebel) I'm a rebel, soul rebel

Do you hear them, Lippy

(I'm a capturer) Gossip around the corner

(Soul adventurer) How they adventure on me, y'all

But see the morning sun (ah-ah-ah-ah-ah) on the hill side (ooh)

Not living good, travel wide

Said, I'm a living man (ah-ah-ah-ah-ah)

I've got work to do

(Ooh-ooh; must be blue, must be blue, must be blue)

If you're not happy

You must be blue

I'm a rebel (ooh-ooh)

Soul rebel

I'm a capturer (ooh-ooh)

Soul adventurer, do you hear me

I'm a rebel, rebel in the morning

(Soul rebel) rebel at midday time


bob marley soul rebel

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