Beyonce Sweet Dreams


Sweet DreamsBeyonce


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Beyonce Sweet Dreams 歌词

Turn the lights on!

Every night I rush to my bed

With hopes that maybe I'll get a chance to see you

When I close my eyes

I'm going out of my head

Lost in a fairytale

Can you hold my hands and be my guide

Clouds filled with stars cover your skies

And I hope it rains

You're the perfect lullaby

What kind of dream is this?

You could be a sweet dream or a beautiful nightmare

Either way I, don't want to wake up from you

Sweet dream or a beautiful nightmare

Somebody pinch me, your loves to good to be true

My guilty pleasure I ain't going no where

Baby long as you're here

I'll be floating on air cause you're my

You can be a sweet dream or a beautiful nightmare

Either way I, don't want to wake up from you

Yo, yo, Young Money right here

Bike here, throw it up, no high chair

Cold like a white bear

Freddy Kruger, I'm a rap bitch nightmare

And I'm rich I could buy you

Kill bitches leave your body in a bayou

More brain than an IQ

More head than a drug, buy yours

And my bank account ain't hardly empty

That's why I come through in a Barbie Bentley

So please mama Cita, please no envy

When you come around it reads no entry

Whose next to go

My flows so flexible

Get gassed then get at me, Texaco

Shoot yourself in the leg, Plexico

White Jag with the twisted lip

I ain't Mike Jack but 'this is it'

B-b-b-boy I'm everywhere

Beyonce- Sweet Dreams 下载mp3

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