Benjamin Ingrosso I Wouldnt Know


I Wouldnt KnowBenjamin Ingrosso


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Benjamin Ingrosso I Wouldnt Know 歌词

Why're you so damn hard to talk to?
That's not the way it's supposed to be
Ain't no fire I won't walk through
Still you act so cold to me
I won't waste no more time waiting for a sign
It's already clear
That you got issues
And I got questions
My one request 'fore I leave
Tell me
What it's like to have someone who's always there for you
Tell me
What it's like to love someone who gives a damn 'bout you
'Cause I wouldn't know
Oh, no
'Cause I wouldn't know
Oh, no, yeah
Am I the only one who's trying
To have a little sympathy?
I would hold you while you're crying
You wouldn't dry a tear for me
I won't waste no more time waiting for a sign
It's already clear
Tell me
What it's like to have someone who's always there for you
Tell me
What it's like to love someone who gives a damn 'bout you
'Cause I wouldn't know
Oh, no
'Cause I wouldn't know
Oh, no, yeah
'Cause I wouldn't know
Oh, no
'Cause I wouldn't know
Oh, no, yeah
What it's like to love someone who gives a damn 'bout you
'Cause I wouldn't know
Oh, no
'Cause I wouldn't know
Oh, no, yeah
'Cause I wouldn't know
Oh, no
'Cause I wouldn't know
Oh, no, yeah
I wouldn't know

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