Bebe Rexha Sabotage


SabotageBebe Rexha


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Bebe Rexha Sabotage 歌词

Why do I sabotage everything I love?

It's always beautiful until I fuck it up

Tell myself I'm safe and lonely

With nobody else to break my heart

Even though I know you'd never

I'm my own worst enemy and think you are

Matches in my back pocket

I'm the queen of burnin' bridges

I will only let you down

Why do I sabotage everything I love?

It's always beautiful until I fuck it up

Why do I sabotage everything I love?

The walls are closin' in because I built them up

Why can't I let myself be happy? (Ooh)

Why do I gotta get in my own way? (Ooh)

My shoes are worn out, always runnin'

From the reasons that I really wanna stay

Matches in my back pocket

I'm the queen of burnin' bridges

I will only let you down

Why do I sabotage everything I love?

It's always beautiful until I fuck it up

Why do I sabotage everything I love?

The walls are closin' in because I built them up

So don't let me hope too high

Don't let me hope too high

'Cause I will find a way to tear it down every time

Don't let me hope too high

When everything is right

'Cause I will find a way to tear it down every time

I sabotage everything I love

It's always beautiful until I fuck it up

Why do I sabotage everything I love?

It's always beautiful until I fuck it up

Why do I sabotage everything I love?

The walls are closin' in because I built them up

Why do I sabotage?

Bebe Rexha- Sabotage 下载mp3

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