Aurora Apple Tree


Apple TreeAurora


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时间: 03:09 尺寸: 2.90 Mb 下载次数: 0 浏览次数: 14



Aurora Apple Tree 歌词

All of my life I've been hunting
I've been a girl, I've been a boy
Digging my feet into the ground, like an apple tree
Wanting to live with a purpose
Skin is a word, love is not a sin
People are bad, people are good
Just like the moon is a stone
But it's a star when it's dark and now she's hiding
If you've seen where the heart is, you've seen it's color
If I ever knew how we could guide it
I would take care of its children, become their mother
If I ever knew how we could hide it, hide it
(Ah ah)
Let her save the world, she is just a girl
Let him save the world, he is just a boy
Let her save the world, she is just a girl
Let him save the world, he is just a boy
Hunger is quiet if you do it right
Hunter is loud and predictable, scaring away every prey
So they're gone before the hunter arrives
Would you be kind to put away the sword
You cannot cut away what we've got
You cannot kill what we are
We are not here in physical form
You've seen where the knife is, its dark location
If I ever knew how we could guide it
I will cut into our anger, make your emotion
If I ever knew how we could hide it, hide it
(Ah ah)
Let her save the world, she is just a girl
Let him save the world, he is just a boy
Let her save the world, she is just a girl
Let him save the world, he is just a boy
Ah, ah
Oh, oh
Ah, ah
Can we carry the weight of mortality? (Oh, oh)
The explosions around you is your symphony
Let her save the world, she is just a girl
(Oh, oh) Let him save the world, he is just a boy
(Ah, ah) Let her save the world, she is just a girl
(Oh, oh) Let him save the world, he is just a boy


aurora apple tree

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