Anastacia Paid My Dues


Paid My DuesAnastacia


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时间: 03:21 尺寸: 3.08 Mb 下载次数: 1 浏览次数: 11



Anastacia Paid My Dues 歌词

You can say what you want about me
want to do what you want to me
But you cannot stop me
I've been knocked down it's a crazytown
Even gotta punch in the face in L.A.
Ain't nothin' in the world that can keep me from doing what I want to do
'cause I'm too proud, I'm too strong, live by the code that you gotta move on
Feeling sorry for yourself ain't got nobody nowhere
So I (held my head high)
Knew I (knew I'd survive)
Well I made it (I made it)
Don't hate it (Don't hate it)
That's just the way it goes
I done made it through
Stand on my own two
I paid my dues yeah
Tried to hold me down
You can't stop me now
I paid my dues
So like I told you
You cannot stop me
I paid my dues yeah
Now I'm still trusted everyday and people try to mess with Anastacia
Gotta another thing comin' 'cause I have a mind and I thought I'd better let you know
I'm no punk I can't get down, I don't give a damn about who's around
That's worked just fine 'til now
So I (held my head high)
Knew I (knew I'd survive)
Well I made it (i made it, don't hate it)
That's just the way it goes
Yeah (I done made it through)
Oh I'll stand on my own two
I paid my dues, yeah
Tried to hold me down
You can't stop me now
I paid my dues
Yeah yeah yeah
Took so long to get me here
But I won't live in fear
Are you tryin' to steal my shine?
First they want to build you up
Then they tear you down
It's a struggle, tryin' a bubble
So I (held my head high)
Knew I... (knew I'd survive)
Woah woah woah (I made it, don't hate it)
Said that's just the way.....
I said I paid my, I paid my dues
Yeah yeah yeah
but you can't stop me now
I paid my, paid my due.... oh woah woah woah
Oh I paid my I paid my dues
But you can't stop me now
I paid my dues

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