Alicia Keys Time Machine


Time MachineAlicia Keys


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时间: 03:37 尺寸: 3.33 Mb 下载次数: 2 浏览次数: 6

Alicia Keys - Time Machine - 视频剪辑

时间: 03:37 尺寸: 27.92 Mb 格式: .mp4 下载次数: 0 浏览次数: 6



Alicia Keys Time Machine 歌词

Fear of what's in the mirror, yeah
So much to be afraid of
Scared of what we're made of
And what we might be
Young life flies out the window, yeah
It's not the time that changed us
It's the dreams that we weren't chasing
Come back to haunt us, eventually
That's why every morning, after dawn and
Tell your darling something is calling
Drive me crazy, I just can't explain it
Go out of your mind
(Out of your mind, out of your mind, out of your mind)
Go out of your mind
(Out of your mind, out of your mind)
No, we can't rewind, life ain't no time machine
But once you free your mind, there's beauty in everything
That's why every morning, after dawn and
Tell your darling something is calling
Drive me crazy, I just can't explain it
Go out of your mind
(Out of your mind, out of your mind, out of your mind)
Go out of your mind
(Out of your mind, out of your mind)
No, we can't rewind, life ain't no time machine
But once you free your mind, there's beauty in everything

Alicia Keys- Time Machine 下载mp3

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