Alessia Cara Trust My Lonely


Trust My LonelyAlessia Cara


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Alessia Cara Trust My Lonely 歌词

It's time I let you go
I made the mistake, go writing your name on my heart
'Cause you colours showed
But it was too late, you left me stained, caught it off
Do you crave control?
I've been your doll, that you poke for fun too long
So you should go
Don't look back, I won't come back
Can't do that no more
Go get your praise from someone else
You didn't a number on my health
My word is brighter by itself
And I can do better, do better
You and I were swayin' on the ropes
I found my foot and on my own
I'm a-okay, I'm good as gold
And I can do better, do better alone
Alone, alone
There ain't no love 'round here
I loved you once, but it made me dumb
Now I'm seeing it way too clear
You hurt me numb, and for that I've run out of time
To have pain to feel (pain to feel)
I've been your game
Just taking the blame for too long
Get on out of here
Don't look back, I won't come back
Can't do that no more
Go get your praise from someone else
You did a number on my health
My world is brighter by itself
And I can do better, do better
You and I were swayin' on the ropes
I found my footing on my own
I'm a-okay, I'm good as gold
And I can do better, do better alone
Don't you know that you're bad for me?
I gotta trust my lonely
Don't you know that you're bad for me?
I gotta trust my lonely
Don't you know you're no good for me?
I gotta trust my lonely
Don't you know you're no good for me?
I gotta trust my lonely
Go get your praise from someone else
You did a number on my health
My world is brighter by itself
And I can do better, do better
You and I were swayin' on the ropes
I found my footing on my own
I'm a-okay, I'm good as gold
And I can do better, do better alone
Don't you know that you're bad for me?
I gotta trust my lonely
Don't you know that you're bad for me?
I gotta trust my lonely
Don't you know you're no good for me?
I gotta trust my lonely
Don't you know you're no good for me?
I gotta trust my lonely

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