Alessia Cara October


OctoberAlessia Cara


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时间: 04:00 尺寸: 3.68 Mb 下载次数: 1 浏览次数: 7



Alessia Cara October 歌词

5AM the moon went to sleep
Your friend speaking in tongues in the back seat
Just one little glance, I know what you mean somehow
We're stealing moments,  moments away
Why are we just not as good in the day?
Is it too soon to know if it's too soon to say for now?
The bubble we're living in
Setting me free again
I don't know what it is about this
I'm gonna miss it when it's over
Yeah, yeah
I hope we never see October
Yeah, yeah
I felt the weight fall off my shoulders
Yeah, yeah, yeah
I'm gonna miss this when it's
I'm gonna miss you when it's done
Can't feel my hands, you laugh like you do
It happened like that according to you
It's only a month, but doesn't feel new somehow
Yeah, yeah
Bubble we're living in
Setting me free again
I don't know what it is about this
I'm gonna miss it when it's over
Yeah, yeah
I hope we never see October
Yeah, yeah
I felt the weight fall off my shoulders
Yeah, yeah, yeah
I'm gonna miss this when it's
I'm gonna miss
I'm gonna miss it when it's over
Yeah, yeah
I hope we never see October
Yeah, yeah
I felt the weight fall off my shoulders
Yeah, yeah, yeah
I'm gonna miss this when it's
I'm gonna miss you when it's done
Paint a picture in my brain, encapsulate the fleeting feeling
It ricochets, replace my pain 'til every trace is leaving
The nerve of autumn time days flying by, every sunrise healing me
And we're okay, we'll live this way 'til it's done
I'm gonna miss this when it's over
I hope we never see October
I felt the weight fall off my shoulders
Yeah, yeah, yeah
I'm gonna miss this when it's
I'm gonna miss
I'm gonna miss this when it's over
Yeah, yeah
I hope we never see October
Yeah, yeah
I felt the weight fall off my shoulders
Yeah, yeah, yeah
I'm gonna miss this when it's
I'm gonna miss you when it's done
I'm gonna miss you when it's done

Alessia Cara- October 下载mp3

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