Accept Fast as a Shark


Fast as a SharkAccept


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时间: 03:48 尺寸: 3.50 Mb 下载次数: 0 浏览次数: 12



Accept Fast as a Shark 歌词

Fog in the streets
A church clock beats
Midnight - darkness all around

You better beware
You better take care
Be prepared for the shock

The time has come
And he's the one
Who's breathing down your neck

Coming from behind
Now it's your time
A loser will die

Fast as a shark he'll cut out of the dark
He's a killer - he'll rip out your heart
On a one way track and you're not coming back
'cause the killer's on the attack

Surprise attack
Coming from the back
An expert of the deadly knack

Just take care
Just beware
Be prepared for the fight

Fast as a shark he'll cut out of the dark
He's a killer - he'll rip out your heart
On a one way track and you're not coming back
'cause the killer's on the attack

Watch out - watch out

Fast as a shark he'll cut out of the dark
He's a killer - he'll rip out your heart
On a one way track and you're not coming back
'cause the killer's on the attack

Fast as a shark he'll cut out of the dark
He's a killer - he'll rip out your heart
On a one way track and you're not coming back
'cause the killer's
'cause the killer's
'cause the killer's on the attack


accept fast shark

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