6IX9INE Billy




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6IX9INE Billy 歌词

That's my word! Get up in they face!

Talk your shit! Let your nuts drag nigga!

Nigga, these niggas just runnin' out they fuckin' mouth, manFollow protocol Blood, get in they fuckin' chest nigga1

(Scum Gang!)

We the fuckin' MOB, nigga

These niggas bleed different

We don't bleed nigga

We make niggas bleed, Blood!


These niggas say they heard of me, I ain't heard of you

Get the fuck up out my fucking face, 'fore I murder you

Bitch niggas always jacking blood, but I know they fools

Whole squad full of fucking killers, I'm a killer too

Send shots, shots, shots, shots, shots nigga

Everybody get pop, pop, popped nigga

The thing go rrrah, rrrah, rrrah, rrrah, rrrah nigga

We send shots, shots, shots, shots, shots nigga

It's always 6ix9ine this and 6ix9ine that

Niggas on my dick and on my yack

These niggas lookin' for me you could hit my jack

I done dropped my address, y'all know where 6ix9ine at

I don't flock, yeah

Nine to his back like Ibaka

Baka, not nice, with the fucking top up

Pop 'em, scope on the nigga, Who Shot Ya?

Dropped him, somebody call the fucking doctor!

Dick up in the pussy, bet that shit get gushy gushy

She want the whole gang bussin' all in her pussy

I want the drip drip while I get my dick licked

Lil' sick bitch, lickin' on my dick tip

She a freak ho fuck her she on beast mode

Arch your back, put your hands on your knees ho

I'm on beast mode, shoot you through your peep-hole

Said he want smoke, I don't really see it though

These niggas say they heard of me, I ain't heard of you

Get the fuck up out my fucking face, 'fore I murder you

Bitch niggas always jacking blood, but I know they fools

Whole squad full of fucking killers, I'm a killer too

Send shots, shots, shots, shots, shots nigga

Everybody get pop, pop, popped nigga

The thing go rrrah, rrrah, rrrah, rrrah, rrrah nigga

We send shots, shots, shots, shots, shots nigga


6ix9ine billy

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