Wiz Khalifa So Gangster

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So GangsterWiz Khalifa

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Wiz Khalifa So Gangster Mahnı sözləri

(Yes, yes, y'all and you don't stop)
Mm-hmm (to the beat ya'll and you don't stop)
(Yes yes, y'all and you don't stop)
Uh (1, 2, ya'll and you don't stop)
(Yes, yes, ya'll, and you don't stop)
Uh (and to the beat Com Sense'll be the sure shot)
Uh (come on)
I used to rock braids with the hat to the back
Used to hit the road, take trips for the pack
Used to sag my pants, act hard when I rapped
'Cause Pittsburgh niggas don't take no slack
Used to have to sell weed for lunch everyday
Used to duck shots at the park just to play
Used to have to make sure my mom knew I was safe
Used to tell lies to my pops, sad to say
Now I'm 32 and I see things different
'S'all about love, it ain't all about the image
Say they down for you, when it's hot they dippin'
Police come around, put that out, they trippin'
Ridin' 'round the city, fo' deep, roof missin'
Hardest in the city, we the ones they mention
Gotta get this money cause I gotta pay rent
And if it don't make dollars then it don't make sense then
Wanna get paid then you gotta have vision
Ridin' with a bad yellow bitch, no Simpson
So, so (yes, yes, y'all and you don't stop)
So gangster (to the beat ya'll and you don't stop)
So, so (yes, yes, ya'll, and you don't stop)
So gangster (1, 2, ya'll, and you don't stop)
So, so (yes, yes, y'all and you don't stop)
So gangster (Com Sense ya'll and you don't stop)
So, so (yes, yes, y'all and you don't stop)
So gangster (UAC, yo, we gotta be the sure shot)
A young stoner's dream
Stash cheese, Ps, while I sip McQueen
My niggas the real thing, no player, I own a team
And if you in my car, then you smokin' trees
If you gang, then you gang, ain't no in between
Keep it G, ain't no time for no sympathy
Seen it all, so I value the simple things
I don't flex, couple chains, couple simple rings
Go to dinner, we don't order what the menu brings
That's some boss shit you seen in a movie
Everywhere I go I'm seen with a doobie
Niggas cool but they really don't move me
Snatch girls, you might think I'm a bully
I'mma need me a two piece
No lie, that's truthfully
When it's all said and done, it's either you or me
Learned how to ball, no hoopin' league
Top down, no roof for me
You hear the crowd, how they root for me
Here's a pound, roll a few for me
I kick 'em out, I'm exclusive please
This is my house, I'mma need you to leave
They don't know the difference
From a nigga keepin' it real and straight trippin'
I hop in my whip on them thangs, I'm straight dippin'
You want me to put you on game, just pay attention
I'm never slippin'
So, so (yes, yes, y'all and you don't stop)
So gangster (to the beat ya'll and you don't stop)
So, so (yes, yes, ya'll, and you don't stop)
So gangster (1, 2, ya'll, and you don't stop)
So, so (yes, yes, y'all and you don't stop)
So gangster (to the beat Com gotta be a sure shot)
So, so (yes, yes, y'all and you don't stop)
So gangster (If you don't check it, bust it, bust it)

Wiz Khalifa- So Gangster mp3 indir - mp3 yukle

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