William Control The Whipping Haus

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The Whipping HausWilliam Control

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William Control The Whipping Haus Mahnı sözləri

William The Whipping House Şarkı Sözleri
Take off your clothes
Welcome to the whipping house
Where we spend all our evenings
And we hurt those deceiving
And we're safe from the outside world looking in
And we're safe from the outside world giving in
Now slow it down
I want the pain to last all night
And this chain faster wrap around
And my shame falls unto the ground
Now we're safe from the outside world looking in
And we're safe I think the outside world's looking grim 
If you come tonight (you will find love)
If you close your eyes (you will find love)
If you open your heart and just stay
The whipping house trades sex for slaves
If you come tonight (you will find love)
If you close your eyes (you will find love)
If you open your heart and just stay
The whipping house trades sex for human slaves
Here comes the end
All choked on vomit sex again
Thank you for coming
I want to thank you for coming
And we're safe from the outside world looking in
And we're safe I think the outside world's looking grim
If you come tonight (you will find love)
If you close your eyes (you will find love)
If you open your heart and just stay
The whipping house trades sex for slaves
If you come tonight (you will find love)
If you close your eyes (you will find love)
If you open your heart and just stay
The whipping house trades sex for human slaves If you come tonight (you will find love)
If you close your eyes (you will find love)
If you open your heart and just stay
The whipping house trades sex for slaves
If you come tonight (you will find love)
If you close your eyes (you will find love)
If you open your heart and just stay
The whipping house trades sex for human slaves

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