Thomas Rhett Almost

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AlmostThomas Rhett

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Thomas Rhett - Almost Sevimli musiqi siyahısına əlavə edildi!
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Thomas Rhett Almost Mahnı sözləri

When I got trucked on that old field, I almost quit that team
I almost gave up guitar 'cause it hurt to play those strings
When everybody told me, "No, man", I 'bout gave up on my dream
Almost let it go
I almost broke my leg riding dirt bike with no fear
I almost lost my best friend over some girl freshman year
I almost lost my license driving home after two beers
Almost, Lord knows
Oh, but when I look back now
Thank God for the almost
Thank God for the so close
Thank God for the night I came within an inch of that fence post
For the doors that opened
For ones that slam closed
Thank God for the girls I thought I'd marry, but left me heartbroke
Thank God for the highs
Thank God for the lows
Thank God for the almost
I almost got that tattoo on my back that said, "Delta Chi"
Almost didn't visit granddad a week before he died
I almost didn't kiss that girl, turned out to be my wife
Guess someone else had something else in mind
Thank God for the almost
Thank God for the so close
Thank God for the kick that came within an inch of that goalpost
For the doors that opened
For ones that slam closed
Thank God for the girls I thought I'd marry, but left me heartbroke
Thank God for the highs
Thank God for the lows
Thank God for the almost
Thank God for the almost
Thank God for the so close
Thank God for the right, not left, I took when I came to them crossroads
For the doors that opened
For ones that slam closed
Yeah, without 'em, where would I be? Man, I don't know
Thank God for the highs
Thank God for the lows
Thank God for the almost
Thank God for the almost

Thomas Rhett- Almost mp3 indir - mp3 yukle

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