The Weeknd Professional

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ProfessionalThe Weeknd

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The Weeknd - Professional Sevimli musiqi siyahısına əlavə edildi!
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The Weeknd Professional Mahnı sözləri

It's ideal, oh
You need someone to tell you how to feel
And you think your happiness is realThere's so much more the world has to reveal
But you choose to be concealed
So you're somebody now
But what's a somebody in a nobody town
I don't think you even know it
So you're somebody now
But what's a somebody in a nobody town

You made enough to quit a couple years ago
But it consumes you
It's everywhere you go
And just the thought alone got you trippin'
Got you losin' your mind
And I don't blame you
It's everything you know
But I, own this time, this ain't new
Now, I decide when we're through

I love, you love
This love
We're professional
I know, you know

We're sophisticated
At lovin' (Lovin, lovin, lovin, lovin, lovin)
We're professional
At lovin' (Lovin, lovin, lovin, lovin, lovin)

What does it mean, oh
When your heart's already numb
You're professional
Won't treat it like it's personal
No, 'cause this is just love
It always makes its way back around
It's dispensable
To fall is unacceptable
'Cause everything you've been through made you stronger
And every day you learn about yourself
And nothing really played out how it's supposed to

Depending on somebody else's wealth
But now you know the value of a dollar
And girl I make enough of it to spend
I love the way you've put yourself together
I love the way you make that body bend
For me again, oh yeah

I love, you love
This love
We're professional
I know, you know
We're sophisticated
At lovin' (Lovin, lovin, lovin, lovin, lovin)

All of those nights you were up barely holding your own
Girl, you've got it made
Had you blaming yourself for when life did you wrong

Now, you've got it made
Getting rich to the drums of your favorite song
Girl, you've got it made
'Cause your freedom was here in this cage all along
Ooh, how'd you drain all the soul from your eyes
How'd you teach, teach yourself how to smile

In a world (In a world
Where your dreams (Where your dreams)
Can't be real, no
Every touch that you sell is a lie (Lie)

I love, you love
This love
We're professional
I know, you know
We're sophisticated
At lovin' (Lovin, lovin, lovin, lovin, lovin)

We're professional
At lovin' (Lovin, lovin, lovin, lovin, lovin)
We're professional

The Weeknd- Professional mp3 indir - mp3 yukle

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