The Weeknd Pretty

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PrettyThe Weeknd

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The Weeknd - Pretty Sevimli musiqi siyahısına əlavə edildi!
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The Weeknd Pretty Mahnı sözləri

Somebody told me it was pointless for me to come back
Into your arms
Said you fucked another manFinally, I knew this day would come

'Cause I see fear in your eyes
You've been living out your life
As long as you know that when I land you're mine
It's been exactly 365 since I've seen your face
I've been living on the road
And you've been living all alone, at home
Girl I hope, he made you satisfied (You did)
Well baby I won't cry
As long as you know that when I land you're mine

And you will never feel so pretty
And you will never feel this beautiful
When I make it there
Oh, when I make it there

There are certain things that I've come to understand
Expectations can kill a simple man, a simple man
I try to master the art, of that far away love
But only so much can keep a woman warm
Now it's times like this that I say to myself

We've been living in a cold, cold world, cold world
But at least I have you to rely
Even if for a short time
As long as you know when I land you're mine

And you will never feel so pretty
And you will never feel this beautiful
When I make it there
Oh, when I make it there

And he can't make you feel this pretty
No, he won't make you feel this beautiful
When I make it there
Oh, when I make it there

And you will never feel so pretty
And you will never feel this beautiful
When I make it there (I make it there)
Oh, when I make it there

And he can't make you feel this pretty
No, he won't make you feel this beautiful
When I make it there (I make it there)
Oh, when I make it there

And you will never feel so pretty
And you will never feel this beautiful
When I make it there (I make it there)
Oh, when I make it there

And he can't make you feel this pretty
No, he won't make you feel this beautiful
When I make it there (I make it there)
Oh, when I make it there
(When I make it there)

Quand une putain de colombe blanche chante sa chanson
C'est tout ce qu'on entend
Les jours se défilent comme de la ficelle dans le vent
Embobiné dans ma toile, je les dévoile à nouveaux
10 ans mon ami, que rien d'autre ne compte
Elle n'était qu'une gamine à ce moment
Souffrant d'un cœur brisé, une douleur très profonde
C'est là où je l'ai aperçue, seule, prête à entamer ses 17 ans


the weeknd pretty

The Weeknd- Pretty mp3 indir - mp3 yukle

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