The Weeknd Kiss Land

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Kiss LandThe Weeknd

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The Weeknd Kiss Land Mahnı sözləri

When I got on stage, she swore I was six feet tall
But when she put it in her mouth she can't seem to reach my
(Reach my, reach my, reach my...)Ballin' ain't an issue for me, I'll make a hundred stacks right back next week
Do it all again, I'm faded off the wrong thing, the wrong thing
And I admit baby, I'm a little camera shy
But exceptions can be made baby, cause' you're too damn fly
For what it's worth, I hope you enjoy the show
'Cause if you're back here only takin' pictures

You gon' have to take your ass home
'Cause the only thing you're takin' is your clothes off

Go 'head girl, strip it down, close your mouth

I just wanna hear your body talk
(Get on top of that thang, girl)
(Get on top of that thang girl)
Oh girl, don't hold back, let it out
(Get on top of that thang girl)
(Get on top of that thang girl)
Oh girl, don't hold back, let it out
(Get on top of that thang girl)
(Get on top of that thang girl)

Don't hold back, let it out
(Get on top of that thang girl)

(Get on top of that thang girl)
Don't hold back
You can meet me in the room where the kisses ain't free
You gotta pay with your body
Not really into kisses leading into nothing
I'm into shows every night, if you play your cards right
I might fuck around, bring your whole crew on tour

Fuck around, turn you to my west coast girl

Until they book a show in NYC
Gotta fly back east where the city don't sleep
Woah, I'm tryna finish all this potion

Baby take your time, tryna sip it 'til the mornin'
And if you're still hot, I'm tryna fuck you in the mornin'

Said I'm two days strong, and never sleep until it's mornin', until the morning.
'Cause the only thing you're takin' is your clothes off
Go 'head girl, strip it down, close your mouth
I just wanna hear your body talk
(Get on top of that thang girl)
(Get on top of that thang girl)

Oh girl, don't hold back, let it out
(Get on top of that thang girl)
(Get on top of that thang girl)
Oh girl, don't hold back, let it out
(Get on top of that thang girl)
(Get on top of that thang girl)
Whoa, don't hold back, let it out
(Get on top of that thang girl)
(Get on top of that thang girl)
Don't hold back

I got a brand new place, I think I've seen it twice all year
I can't remember how it looks inside, so you can picture how my life's been
I went from starin' at the same four walls for 21 years
To seein' the whole world in just twelve months
Been gone for so long I might have just found God
Well, probably not, if I keep my habits up
Probably not, if I can't keep up with lovin'
I can't stand talkin' to brand new girls
Only bitches down to fuck when you show them with ones
Probably not if my niggas round them up
Probably not if we take 'em to my spot
Probably not if I tweak all day just to sleep at night
God damn I'm high
My doctor told me to stop
And he gave me something to pop
I mix it up with some Adderall's and I wait to get to the top
And I mix it up with some alcohol and I pour it up in a shot
I don't care about you, why you worried 'bout me?
All I want is that smoke, give me all of that smoke
Last week was my rough week, I'm still drippin' down from my nose
And I don't know how to drive, I make my driver get high
But If he goes under that 110, believe my driver get fired
And I don't got any friends, I got XO in my bloodwork
And I'm posted up down in Florida
Ft. Lauderdale to that MIA
Cold drinks with Grand Marnier
To the break of dawn, Kahlua milk
White Russian when the sun hits
White Russians with tongue tricks
I like the feeling her tongue rings
She like the way my whole tongue flip
She grind hard for tuition
She grind hard to her Teacher
I make her hide it with gold grills
I make her suck it with gold grills
In the back room of the VIP
She don't ever sleep...
This ain't nothing to relate to
This ain't nothing to relate to
This ain't nothing to relate to
This ain't nothing to relate to
Even if you tried, you tried, you tried
You tried, you tried, you tried
You tried, you tried, you tried
You tried, you tried, you tried
This ain't nothing to relate to
This ain't nothing to relate to
This ain't nothing to relate to
This ain't nothing to relate to
Even if you tried, you tried, you tried
You tried, you tried, you tried
You tried, you tried, you tried
You tried, you tried, ooh yeah...


the weeknd kiss land

The Weeknd- Kiss Land mp3 indir - mp3 yukle

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