The Weeknd feat Drake-Live For

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feat Drake-Live ForThe Weeknd

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The Weeknd feat Drake-Live For Mahnı sözləri

Getting sober for a day
Got me feeling too low
They tryna make me slow downTryna tell me how to live
I'm about to lose control (Lose control)

Well they can watch me fuck it up all in one night
I'm in my city in the summer
Camo'd out, leather booted
Kissing bitches in the club
They wanna threesome (Threesome)
Then some (Then some)
Spend whatever come in, fuck an income

Me and my niggas we ain't never going broke
And you, have to, do it all
Just to know where it gets you
Living dreams we can never afford
Now we sitting in the back saying

This the shit that I live for, this the shit that I live for
This the shit that I live for, with the people I'd die for
This the shit that I live for, this the shit that I live for
This the shit that I live for, with the people I'd die for
This the shit that I live for, this the shit that I live for
This the shit that I live for, with the people I'd die for
This the shit that I live for, this the shit that I live for
This the shit that I live for, with the people I'd die for

This the shit that I live for
This the shit that I'd die for
This the shit you can't fake dawg
This the shit you need God for
How long do you think
It's gon' take for y'all to fall?

That's a serious question because I'm seriously questioning all of y'all
Been touring the world man, I've done spent racks in all the malls
And they know my story, flaws and all
I still got plaques hanging wall to wall, dawg

She just offered a strip tease
But she don't look like Demi Moore
Hips all on 45, waist all on 24
And it's all love in the city
Still scream XO, when that Henny pour
But I'm that boy, not just any boy
What the fuck you think that I'm in it for?

Roll up in that thing, got hoes like Prince
But they know I'm king
Chubbs might hold that thing
If he get caught, he'll be home by spring
Things I shouldn't share
I mean for the sake of my career
I'm not trynna stunt
I'm just tellin' you the truth, I swear

This the shit that I live for
With the people I'd die for
This the shit you can't fake dawg
This the shit you need God for
This that shit we really gotta talk about in person
There's some shit I need to work on
But I know you see me working
Nigga, champagne

This the shit that I live for, this the shit that I live for
This the shit that I live for, with the people I'd die for
This the shit that I live for, this the shit that I live for
This the shit that I live for, with the people I'd die for

This the shit that I live for, this the shit that I live for
This the shit that I live for, with the people I'd die for
This the shit that I live for, this the shit that I live for
This the shit that I live for, with the people I'd die for

The Weeknd- feat Drake-Live For mp3 indir - mp3 yukle

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