Stormzy Lessons

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Stormzy Lessons Mahnı sözləri

I knew a woman more wonderful than a Disney one
I lost my heart, I just wondered if you could give me one
I hit you back, you know, lately I've had some busy ones
I been getting this money just on my Lizzy ones
And now we're acting like children, it's so pathetic
I was trying to reach out for ages, I need my credit
There's a couple lines in our script I think we should edit
Why you gotta bitch all the time? Just read my message
Shit, fucking hell, I'm such a handful
On one hand I'm pissed, but on the other hand I'm thankful
Times when it was bliss and there were times it was in shambles
Times when it was lit and other times we lit the candles
You're probably reminiscing when you could be hella dissing
Never been the type to be so reckless with decisions
Swear you tried to tell me, but it's like I never listen
And I was meant to share your vision
I was meant to be your rider, put a bit of Henny on my rider
You can stay at home, I'll send a driver
I'll be your provider, no, I'm not around but it's a minor
Cah I don't like the spotlight and you don't like it neither
But that was then and this is now
I was pacing 'round my kitchen like, "This shit is foul"
I done the dirt and then I figured that you'll dig it out
But that's a coward move, I guess you got me figured out
I know you'll never listen now
You taught me love (You taught me love)
Oh, what a gift (Oh, what a gift)
I know that it's hard (I know that it's hard)
Too hard to forgive
And to be honest, if I were you
I'd be the same way
To be honest, if I were you
Then I'd be unforgiving, too
[Verse 2]
Fast forward now, my nephew's still asking for his Auntie Maya
Guess this is the karma for what I done to Maya
I just stood and let it burn, I couldn't done the fire
Lord, I pray you make it easy, that's my one desire
God loves a trial, I can't even fathom what I probably had you going through
You cannot imagine how I'm sorry, man, I'm showing you
Now I haven't even got the luxury of knowing you
We was even meant to share a seed and let it grow in you
I can't even look you in the eye, that's 'cause of shame
Now you're tryna block me out your mind, that's 'cause of pain
Greatest love I ever knew, I poured it down the drain
Maybe it's the only way we both call it a day
You gave me the world and then I gave you disrespect
Hand on my heart, this is my biggest of regrets
Thought I'd say it here than rather fling it in a text
Until you're ready to forgive I'm always wishing you the best but
You taught me love (You taught me love)
Oh, what a gift (Oh, what a gift)
I know that it's hard (I know that it's hard)
Too hard to forgive
And to be honest, if I were you
I'd be the same way
To be honest, if I were you
Then I'd be unforgiving, too
You taught me love (You taught me love)
Oh, what a gift (Oh, what a gift)
I know that it's hard (I know that it's hard)
Too hard to forgive
And to be honest, if I were you
I'd be the same way
To be honest, if I were you
Then I'd be unforgiving, too


stormzy lessons

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