Stormzy Lay Me Bare

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Lay Me BareStormzy

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Stormzy Lay Me Bare Mahnı sözləri

One more time I'll make it clear
This some shit I hate to share
Escape this life or pay the fare
Grab this gun and aim it there
Shoot my pain and slay my fear
Before I die, I say my prayer
Don't worry about the mess just lay me there
This is all I got so lay me bare
Look, one more time I'll make it clear
This some shit I hate to share
Escape this life or pay the fare
Grab this gun and aim it there
Shoot my pain and slay my fear
Before I die, I say my prayer
Don't worry about the mess just lay me there
This is all I got so lay me bare
Lord help me please I'm breaking down
Tryna call my name and take my crown
Little bit of pain I'll paint the town
When they put me in my grave don't make a sound
'Cause there's still some days I find it hard
Smoke my spliff and write my bars
I know they see me climb the charts
But plaques don't help me find my heart
Yo God, what's good? I need you bad
Devil's in my ear, I need you back
Got scars in my soul, I've been attacked
Even when I'm low I seem relaxed
But the year's been mad I lost my way
They think I went ghost to drop my tape
Not knowing that I fell and lost my faith
Like Satan please no, not today
So fuck this shit this ain't a joke
Just to get away I take a toke
I took this pain and made a boat
Lord knows how the fuck it stayed afloat
Last year I cried too many times
Weren't for Flipz and weren't for rhymes
Weren't for Rachel, weren't for Kelly
Man them people saved my life
Like, man, I get low sometimes, so low sometimes
Airplane mode on my phone sometimes
Sitting in my house with tears on my face
Can't answer the door to my bro sometimes
Roaming around all alone sometimes
Them lonesome times
I was a young dead start
But this shit's like Game of Thrones sometimes
One more time I'll make it clear
This some shit I hate to share
Escape this life or pay the fare
Grab this gun and aim it there
Shoot my pain and slay my fear
Before I die, I say my prayer
Don't worry about the mess just lay me there
This is all I got so lay me bare
Look, one more time I'll make it clear
This some shit I hate to share
Escape this life or pay the fare
Grab this gun and aim it there
Shoot my pain and slay my fear
Before I die, I say my prayer
Don't worry about the mess just lay me there
This is all I got so lay me bare
Like bro I can't believe I saw my dad
Still up in the ends, still driving cabs
He said "Yo son, I need a car"
I kissed my teeth and turned my back
Like "Nigga, you ain't seen my face for years
Nigga, you ain't seen my face for time
And the first thing you're asking me for, is that?
Fuck you! That's where I draw the line"
Should've dashed through a rack like "Keep the change"
And fuck letting go, I'll keep the pain
Twenty-three years I'm still the same
When you hear this I hope you feel ashamed
'Cause we were broke like what the fuck
Mum did well to hold us up
But yet she still forgave your arse
But mumsy's cool, I'm cold as fuck
Fuck that! I'm still not over this
Fuck that! No, I'm still not over this
Flipz told me someone died in Heath
Like "Please say I don't know the kid"
When I heard TS, I kissed my teeth
And then I broke down in disbelief
My bro TH and Yogi too
Man I'll be damned to miss the streets
But I still got old school friends that I shoulda' been cool with
Man that I ride for, man I went school with
Man that I love and man I kicked ball with
My phone's there, just call it
But I guess things just got strange for me
But you all grew fast and gracefully
Left my hood and grabbed the mic
And I got me a girl that prays for me
One more time I'll make it clear
This some shit I hate to share
Escape this life or pay the fare
Grab this gun and aim it there
Shoot my pain and slay my fear
Before I die, I say my prayer
Don't worry about the mess just lay me there
This is all I got so lay me bare
Look, one more time I'll make it clear
This some shit I hate to share
Escape this life or pay the fare
Grab this gun and aim it there
Shoot my pain and slay my fear
Before I die, I say my prayer
Don't worry about the mess just lay me there
This is all I got so lay me bare
Lay me, bare


stormzy lay bare

Stormzy- Lay Me Bare mp3 indir - mp3 yukle

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