Stormzy feat Her-One Second

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feat Her-One SecondStormzy

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Stormzy feat Her-One Second Mahnı sözləri

[Chorus: H.E.R., Stormzy]
If you give me just one second of your time (Yo)
I could tell you stories 'bout my life (True story)
I've seen hope and I've seen struggle through these eyes (Yeah)
So give me just one second (Like) of your time (Yo)
[Verse 1: Stormzy, H.E.R]
One second to let it breathe (Let it breathe)
Just a second, a second is all I need (Oh, yeah)
When you're questioning everything you believed
Then you're fighting with the devil in your dreams (Devil in your dreams, ooh)
One second, just let me be (Let me be)
Let it pour, let it rain, let it bleed (Uh-huh)
Heavy is the head, but the pressure makes you heave
So you bill it 'cause the spirit of depression never sleeps (Yeah)
I am not the poster boy for mental health (I'm not)
I need peace of mind, I need to centre self (Uh-huh)
The cover of the NME, that shit made me resent myself
There's people tryin' to spread the word and people that pretend to help (Ohh)
But how am I complaining when I'm blessed? (Ooh)
I get this daunting feeling on the days I'm on my best
When all these demons that I carry get to messin' with my head
So could you give me just a second just to get 'em off my chest, please?
[Chorus: H.E.R., Stormzy]
If you give me just one second of your time
I could tell you stories 'bout my life
I've seen hope and I've seen struggle through these eyes
So give me just one second of your time (Yeah, like, like)
[Verse 2: Stormzy, H.E.R]
One second to recollect
Just a second, a second is all I get
I can't tell where I'm heading, I'm outta breath
All these early premonitions of my death (Ooh)
But I knew He had plan (Uh-huh)
Lord knows I'ma do it if I can (Lord knows)
When I take a stand, they say I'm ruining my brand
But I could never give a fuck, that's just my duty as a man
So if I go on stage at BRITS and tell the PM she's a bitch
Then that's exactly what it is and I don't want no bloody stripes for it
Mummy always said if there's a cause then I should fight for it
So, yeah, I understand, but I don't think that I'm alright with it
Like yeah, cool, I get it
Yeah, I know I said it
But there's people fighting every day and they don't get the credit
But it's cool, man, that's just one of the stresses on my mind
To get this out my chest I need a second of your time, please
[Chorus: H.E.R.]
If you give me just one second of your time
I could tell you stories 'bout my life
I've seen hope and I've seen struggle through these eyes
Oh, give me just one second of your time
[Bridge: H.E.R.]
Ooh, ooh, ooh-ooh-ooh
Ooh, just one second, ooh-ooh-ooh
Ooh, ooh, ooh, oh-oh
Oh-oh-oh, ooh-ooh
Ooh-oh, ooh-ooh
Ooh-ooh, ohh
[Chorus: H.E.R.]
If you give me just one second of your time
I could tell you stories 'bout my life
I've seen hope and I've seen struggle through these eyes
So give me just one second of your time
[Outro: H.E.R.]
So give me just one—
Just one second
So give me just one—
Just one second

Stormzy- feat Her-One Second mp3 indir - mp3 yukle

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