Stormzy feat Aitch-Pop Boy

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feat Aitch-Pop BoyStormzy

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Stormzy feat Aitch-Pop Boy Mahnı sözləri

[Intro: Stormzy]
And it's like, yo
[Verse 1: Stormzy]
Your boy's too hot, put a fan on
I am never under pressure, man, it's pressure that I stand on
I'm not da bredda you can go and put your hand on
I'm just cookin' up some flavor then I mix it like I'm Manon (Mm)
A bit of strength and a little bit of core
Could've had my little brother drenched, drippin' in Dior
Long time, I was kippin' on the floor
Me and Twin B, we the new Jigga and Dior
Flex on 'em
They talk on my name then backslide
I ain't even spittin' no more, I rap glide
Pree you try and jump on my boat, will capsize
Comin' like I'm one of the goats, I'm that nice
So it's old flows, new flows, rose gold Hublots
Now I'm on the road doin' shows for some Euros
Asking how I done it, man, I did it by the grace
Hashtag Merky, that's a pillar of my faith, oh
Nightmare comin' for the crown, man, I'm comin' there
Hi there, welcome to my town, yeah, I run it here
Been the top boy for a couple summers here
And I'm poppin' like the kente that my mama wears, yeah
So quit runnin' out your mouth
Real gully niggas comin' out the south
So, no, I am not the one
Man, I just drop for fun
Still got a lot to come
Fred, you forgot the drums, wait there
[Chorus: Stormzy, Aitch]
Ayy, in my city, I'm the top boy
And I didn't even have to be in Top Boy
If you're asking what I've done, then it's a lot, boy
You rap neeks make me wanna be a pop boy
Ayy, in my city, I'm the top boy
Mummy always told me, "Give 'em what you got, boy"
On a mission, swear they wishin' that I flop, boy
But I'll never stop poppin', I'm the pop boy (Yeah, yeah)
[Verse 2: Aitch]
Your boy's too cold, put the heat on
I ain't never under pressure, man, it's pressure that I feed on (Yeah, yeah)
Money movements and shellers, that's what my team on
I got tekkers, you know it's gettin' peppered if it's got me on (Woah, woah)
Stuntin' for the 'Gram, I don't risk it for a like
Fall back a second, fam, and have a think about your life
Stop movin' so fast, you gotta chill and take your time
You ain't thought about it right if you don't think about it twice
What boy's chattin' to me like a top boy?
Bro, I pop bottles and bitches, I never pop toys
Manny way, couple block boys and some hot boys
Pull up on the block, boy, finna drop the top, boy
You hate me and I ain't a fan of you (Nope)
See what I've done in a year, imagine two (Ayy, ayy)
Young Aitch, I'm going clear, I'm comin' through
Quick to switch pace, uppin' the gear, and bun a zoot like (Ahh, ahh)
Flex on 'em, bust a little move for the boomerang
Everybody sittin' and watchin' me while I do my dance (Ayy, ayy, ayy)
Trust me, this ain't nothin' new to gang
Liquor by the load, don't have a clue how much juice I drank
Grab a bag when I stack, not a rack (Ahh, ahh)
Rack a track, want a plaque, not a wack (Ahh, ahh)
Bag of gash, tryna chat, but it's cap (Ahh, ahh)
Get me mad, you ain't bad, man, it's sad (Ahh, ahh)
[Chorus: Stormzy]
Ayy, in my city, I'm the top boy
And I didn't even have to be in Top Boy
If you're asking what I've done, then it's a lot, boy
You rap neeks make me wanna be a pop boy
Ayy, in my city, I'm the top boy
Mummy always told me, "Give 'em what you got, boy"
On a mission, swear they wishin' that I flop, boy
But I'll never stop poppin', I'm the pop boy

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