Stormzy Do Better

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Do BetterStormzy

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Stormzy Do Better Mahnı sözləri

(Oh yeah)
Yo (Oh yeah)
Let it breathe (Oh yeah)
Just let it breathe (Oh yeah)
Let it breathe, ayy (Oh yeah)
Let it breathe (Oh yeah)
One time, let it breathe (Oh yeah)
Yo (Oh yeah), like
[Verse 1]
If I can do better then I'll be better
Rolling in the deep, I need to breathe better
I see demons in my sleep, I need to sleep better
Having visions of my friends in RIP sweaters
Have you ever had to sacrifice your health?
Ever had to sacrifice yourself?
Plus I got an army full of dickheads tryna sabotage my wealth
But I know it's self-destructive if I bang 'em by myself, wow
Like God hold me down 'til I'm downed
God, hold me down 'til I drown (Hold me down 'til I drown)
It's like I nearly fell into the ground
But the holy blood of Christ, you don't ever let me down
Lord knows I'll be back up in minutes and disappear
Wonder if I flip, all my mandem just disappear
Number seventeen on my little list of fears
Then she tells me not to speak and she whispers in my ear like
I know everything is okay (Okay)
But I'ma need you to do better (Better)
I'ma need you to do better (Better)
I'ma need you to do better (Better)
I know everything is okay (Okay)
But I'ma need you to do better (Better)
I'ma need you to do better (Better)
I'ma need you to do better (Better)
I know everything is okay (Okay)
But I'ma need you to do better (Do better)
I'ma need you to do better (Do better)
I'ma need you to do better
I know everything is okay (Okay)
But I'ma need you to do better (Do better)
I'ma need you to do better (Do better)
I'ma need you to do better
[Verse 2]
If I coulda done better, woulda got better
My brudda looked me in my face and said, "You're not better"
I said, "Give me two secs," bill a spliff, take a hit, reminisce
And then I bet I feel a lot better
Man, I used to spend my time on the roof
It weren't a penthouse suite, but I was fine with the views
What'd you do with your pain? I put mine in a zoot
Then I smoke it all away to take my mind off the truth
Was a troublesome yout, had desire for war
Bought my mummy a coupe, she nearly cried on the floor
Spend time in my sneaks or spend a night in my thoughts
You walk a mile in these, I walk a mile in yours
Ah, man, all the things I been battling through the year
Wonder if my bro woulda made it if I was there
Number twenty-five on my little list of fears
Then she tells me not to speak and she whispers in my ear like
I know everything is okay (Okay)
But I'ma need you to do better (Better)
I'ma need you to do better
I'ma need you to do better
I know everything is okay (Okay)
But I'ma need you to do better (Better)
I'ma need you to do better
I'ma need you to do better
I know everything is okay (Okay)
But I'ma need you to do better (Do better)
I'ma need you to do better (Do better)
I'ma need you to do better
I know everything is okay (Okay)
But I'ma need you to do better (Do better)
I'ma need you to do better (Do better)
I'ma need you to do better
Oh, yeah, oh, yeah
Oh, yeah, oh, yeah (Ayy, ayy, ayy)
Oh, yeah, oh, yeah
Oh, yeah, oh, yeah (Ayy, ayy, ayy)
I know everything is okay (Okay)
But I'ma need you to do better (Better)
I'ma need you to do better
I'ma need you to do better
I know everything is okay (Okay)
But I'ma need you to do better (Better)
I'ma need you to do better
I'ma need you to do better
I know everything is okay (Okay)
But I'ma need you to do better (Do better)
I'ma need you to do better (Do better)
I'ma need you to do better
I know everything is okay (Okay)
But I'ma need you to do better (Do better)
I'ma need you to do better (Do better)
I'ma need you to do better


stormzy better

Stormzy- Do Better mp3 indir - mp3 yukle

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Qeydiyyatı olmadan Stormzy- Do Better mp3 indir - mp3 yukle mp3 musiqini dinləyin və ya yükləyin. Ən son yeni mp3 musiqiləri gündəlik veb saytımızda yenilənir. Davamlı olaraq çalğı siyahılarınıza yeni mp3 mahnılar əlavə edə və ya oz pleyerinizə və ya mobil cihazınıza yükləyə bilərsiniz. Həftəlik yeniliklərimizi 2025-un ən popular mp3 mahnılarını dinləyə ve yukləyə bilərsiniz.

Bizim musiqi saytimiz Stormzy- Do Better mp3 indir - mp3 yukle mp3 mahnisini onlayn dinləyə və ya pulsuz və qeydiyyatsız yükləmək imkanı verir. Həm xarici, həm də yerli sənətkarların əsərlərini yerləşdiririk. Sevdiyiniz popular mp3 mahnıları özünüz əlavə edə və ya artıq yüklənmiş popular mp3 mahnılardan öz çalğı siyahılarınızı yarada bilərsiniz.

© 2025 Əlaqə üçün: Saytda yerləşdirilən bütün musiqilər yalnız tanıtım xarakteri daşıyır. Saytda musiqi yerləşdirmək və ya iradlarınızı bildirmək üçün aşağıdakı əlaqə vasitələrini istifadə edə bilərsiz. Sevdiyiniz mahnıları əlavə edə və ya artıq yüklənmiş mahnılardan öz çalğı siyahılarınızı yarada bilərsiniz. Qeydiyyatsiz mahnını dinləyib ve və yükləmək mümkündür. Məyyən funksiyalardan yararlanmaq üçün qeydiyyat keçmək lazımdır. Qeydiyyat tamamilə pulsuzdur.
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