Stormzy Crown

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Stormzy - Crown Sevimli musiqi siyahısına əlavə edildi!
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Stormzy Crown Mahnı sözləri

Searchin' every corner of my mind
Lookin' for the answers I can't find
I have my reasons and life has its lessons and
I tried to be grateful and count all my blessings
But heavy is the head that wears the crown
Amen, in Jesus' name, yes I declare it
Any little seed I receive, I have to share it
Bruddas wanna break me down, I can't bear it
But heavy is the head with the crown, I still wear it
You can't hold me down, I still cope
Rain falling down at the BRIT's, I'm still soaked
Try to put a hole in our shit, we'll build boats
Two birds with one stone, I'll kill both (what?)
Pray I never lose and pray I never hit the shelf (two)
Promise if I do that you'll be checkin' on my health (cool)
If it's for my people I'll do anything to help
If I do it out of love it's not to benefit myself, ooh
Gotta stay around but make a comeback too
I know my only mother wants her son back too
They sayin' I'm the voice of the young black youth
And then I say "Yeah, cool" and then I bun my zoot
And now I'm
Searchin' every corner of my mind
(Search every corner, look for the answers)
Lookin' for the answers I can't find
(No, I can't find 'em, no silver lining)
I have my reasons and life has its lessons
I tried to be grateful and count all my blessings
But heavy is the head that wears the crown
Amen, in Jesus' name, oh yes I claim it
Any little bread that I make I have to break it
Bruddas wanna break me down, I can't take it
I done a scholarship for the kids, they said it's racist
That's not anti-white, it's pro-black
Hang me out to dry, I won't crack
All these fancy ties and gold plaques
Never had no silver spoons in our mouths, we sold, like
Don't comment on my culture, you ain't qualified
Stab us in the back and then apologize
If you knew my story you'd be horrified
The irony of trappin' on a Boris bike
Gotta stay alive and save my brother as well
Look at all these legends on the cover of Elle
Long time comin' but we come to prevail
I guess a little bit of heaven has to come with the hell, you know
Searchin' every corner of my mind
(Search every corner, look for the answers)
Lookin' for the answers I can't find
(No, I can't find 'em, no silver lining)
I have my reasons and life has its lessons
I tried to be grateful and count all my blessings
But heavy is the head that wears the crown
Heavy is the head that wears the crown


stormzy crown

Stormzy- Crown mp3 indir - mp3 yukle

Saytımızdan Stormzy mp3 mahnılarını onlayn dinləyə və ya 2025 ən populyar mp3 mahnılarını pulsuz yükləyə ve yə dinləyə bilərsiniz.

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© 2025 Əlaqə üçün: Saytda yerləşdirilən bütün musiqilər yalnız tanıtım xarakteri daşıyır. Saytda musiqi yerləşdirmək və ya iradlarınızı bildirmək üçün aşağıdakı əlaqə vasitələrini istifadə edə bilərsiz. Sevdiyiniz mahnıları əlavə edə və ya artıq yüklənmiş mahnılardan öz çalğı siyahılarınızı yarada bilərsiniz. Qeydiyyatsiz mahnını dinləyib ve və yükləmək mümkündür. Məyyən funksiyalardan yararlanmaq üçün qeydiyyat keçmək lazımdır. Qeydiyyat tamamilə pulsuzdur.
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