Shaggy Summertime

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Shaggy - Summertime Sevimli musiqi siyahısına əlavə edildi!
Shaggy - Summertime Sevimli musiqi siyahısından silindi!
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Shaggy Summertime Mahnı sözləri

It's a summertime affair
Shaggy ha
Sun and fun in the atmosphere, oh yes
In the summertime when the weather is high
You can stretch right up
And touch the sky
When the weather is fine
You've got women
You've got women
On your mind
I'm gonna drive and ride and see now what I can find
Now if her daddy's rich
Take her out for a meal
And if her daddy's poor
Then do as you feel
Speedin down the lane even though the speed limit's 25
And when the sun goes down
I'll make it with my cutie pie
Weh me say
Pretty little women
Sexy as can be
Sweet as a honey
Sting like bumble bee
Shaggy say
Pretty little women
Sexy as can be
Sweet as honey
Sting like bumble bee
It's a summertime affair
In the atmosphere
I man love off her attire
And the clothes she wear
Some burn off them with tyre
And a draw down a gear
Some a shine up wax up
Not a sign of snare
Got to be rolling in my
Christas so the girl them stare
This is Shaggy and Rayvon
As your ultimate pair
Taking care of our career
So tell the world beware
'Cause it's a brand new selection for your musical ear
We say what we want
And we say what we need
And we love everybody
And we do as we please
And when the weather is fine
We go fishin' we go fishin' in the sea
We are always happy to live life
That's our philosophy
Now if her daddy's rich
Take her out for a meal
And if her daddy's poor
Then do as you feel
Speedin down the lane even though the speed limit's 25
And when the sun goes down
I'll make it with my cutie pie
Sweat a run off her body
With her caramel skin
I man smiled at her she looked at me and gave me a grin
I offered her a drink she said
Juice and Gin
And I whispered in her ear
I asked how you doin'
Where was it that I reside
And I told her Brooklyn
Atmosphere filled with romance
Her eyes sparkling
Just her voice and what
She said let my poor head spin
Raggamuffin Shaggy
With a musical swing
I say
Pretty little woman
Sexy as can be
Sweet as a honey
Sting like bumble bee
Pretty little woman
Sexy as can be
Sweet as a honey
Sting like bumble bee
In the summertime
When the weather is high
You can stretch right up
And touch the sky
When the weather is fine
You've got women
You've got women
On your mind
I'm gonna drive and ride
And see what I can find
Now if her daddy's rich
Take her out for a meal
And if her daddy's poor
Then do as you feel
Speedin down the lane even though the speed limit's 25
And when the sun goes down
I'll make it with my cutie pie
Pretty little women
Sexy as can be
Sweet as a honey
Sting like bumble bee
Pretty little women
Sexy as can be
Sweet as honey
Sting like bumble bee
It's a summertime affair
In the atmosphere
I man love off her attire
And the clothes she wear
Some burn off them with tyre
And a draw down a gear
Some a shine up wax up
Not a sign of snare
Got to be rolling in my christas so the girl them stare
This is Shaggy and Rayvon
As your ultimate pair
Taking care of our career
So tell the world beware
'Cause it's a brand new selection for your musical ear
In the summertime (In the summertime)
In the summertime (In the summertime)
Sweet summertime, shrii dun dun dun dun
Pretty little woman
Sexy as can be

Shaggy- Summertime mp3 indir - mp3 yukle

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