Shaggy Mad Mad World (feat Sizzla, Collie Buddz)

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Mad Mad World (feat Sizzla, Collie Buddz)Shaggy

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Shaggy - Mad Mad World (feat Sizzla, Collie Buddz) Sevimli musiqi siyahısına əlavə edildi!
Shaggy - Mad Mad World (feat Sizzla, Collie Buddz) Sevimli musiqi siyahısından silindi!
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Shaggy Mad Mad World (feat Sizzla, Collie Buddz) Mahnı sözləri

Sizzla Kalonji, Collie Buddz, Collabo Extraordinaire
We're living in serious times
Watch out, oh
It's a mad, mad world that we're living in
Gotta keep your heads up high, can't be giving in
Don't you let one day go by without praising the Most High
'Cause it's the only way we ever will survive
It's a mad, mad world that we're living in
(What's wrong with us?)
Gotta keep your heads up high, can't be giving in
Don't you let one day go by without praising the Most High
'Cause it's the only way we ever will survive
Rough life, nuff crime, youth them a do hard time
No guides, no sign, walking on a thin like
Sentenced, no trial, victim of a profile
No hope, more fight, wonder why we're hostile
False prophet make profit, focused on their pocket
White collar false docket, door open, can't lock it
Politics, polytricks, equal econometricks
(Where is the justice?)
Death toll rising, sex commercializing
Barely surviving, future jeopardizing
No compromising, hope paralyzing
Rules need revising, why is it surprising?
Got to heed the warning, see the storms are forming
Not the time for stalling, look around it's so appalling
It's a mad, mad world that we're living in
Gotta keep your heads up high, can't be giving in
Don't you let one day go by without praising the Most High
'Cause it's the only way we ever will survive
It's a mad, mad world that we're living in
(Mad, crazy you know)
Gotta keep your heads up high, can't be giving in
Don't you let one day go by without praising the Most High
'Cause it's the only way we ever will survive
Nuclear warfare, satellites everywhere
Mothers on welfare, what about Medicare?
Ethnic cleansing, freedom pending
Government spending, who are they defending?
Bankrolls on poles, anything to enroll
Spotlight's their goal, price paid their soul
Step back, retrack, notice where your life's at
(Where was it worth it?)
Got to heed the warning, see the storm that's forming
Not the time for stalling', look around it's so appalling'
Poor is the mentality that disregard humanity
Say no to this insanity, create a new reality
It's a mad, mad world that we're living in
Gotta keep your heads up high, can't be giving in
Don't you let one day go by without praising the most High
'Cause it's the only way we ever will survive
It's a mad, mad world that we're living in
Gotta keep your heads up high, can't be giving in
Don't you let one day go by without praising the most High
'Cause it's the only way we ever will survive
Rough life, 'nuff crime, youth them a do hard time
No guides, no sign, walking on a thin like
Sentenced, no trial, victim of a profile
No hope, more fight, wonder why we're hostile
False prophet make profit, focused on their pocket
White collar false docket, door open can't lock it
Politics, polytricks

Shaggy- Mad Mad World (feat Sizzla, Collie Buddz) mp3 indir - mp3 yukle

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