Saint Jhn Reflex

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ReflexSaint Jhn

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Saint Jhn Reflex Mahnı sözləri

Picture me ballin'
Picture me with the fifth of Henny, something foreign
Picture me ridin' 'round here with a Benzo
Picture me blunted with the tints on the window
You could see by the looks of it I got the feelin'
I told them bitches I'm something they should believe in
I told my mama they can't reach me, hit the ceilin'
Baby this is just the beginning, it's preseason
I know that you can tell I got it though
Gotta go and get it, that's the reflex
I know you can tell the winners by how we flex
I ain't playing with theses niggas, ain't no recess
Next time I look around nigga way up, way up, way up, way up
Only bad bitches 'round here
I swear it's only bad bitches 'round here
I mean it's only real niggas 'round here
You know it's only real niggas 'round here, I said
Only bad bitches 'round here
I swear it's only bad bitches 'round here
I mean it's only real niggas 'round here
You know it's only real niggas 'round here
Picture me speedin'
Picture me rollin' something up to chase the demons
Ah that Cohiba really helped me slow the breathin'
You see these niggas round me they all pledge allegiance
I never change for nothing, nigga that's some true shit
I got a mil', you got a mil', that just some crew shit
They trying to stay afloat, I'm trying to build a cruise ship
I spent a half a decade working on the blueprint
Ay boy we 'bout to hit the pot of gold
Gotta and go get it that's the reflex
I know you can tell the winners by how we flex
I ain't playing with theses niggas ain't no recess
Next time I look around nigga way up, way up, way up, way up
Only bad bitches 'round here
I swear it's only bad bitches 'round here
I mean it's only real niggas 'round here
You know it's only real niggas 'round here, I said
Only bad bitches 'round here
I swear it's only bad bitches 'round here
I mean it's only real niggas 'round here
You know it's only real niggas 'round here
I, been getting too fucking drunk nigga
High, been getting too fucking blunted lately
I just keep true, share one with you
Blame, that liquor but it's how the world made me
I, been moving too fast I need to slow down
Said, too many things that I shouldn't have said
Hey, just point out anywhere you want to go now
Now, I swear these niggas don't know what it takes
Only bad bitches 'round here
I swear it's only bad bitches 'round here
I mean it's only real niggas 'round here
You know it's only real niggas 'round here, I said
Only bad bitches 'round here
I swear it's only bad bitches 'round here
I mean it's only real niggas 'round here
You know it's only real niggas 'round here, I said


saint jhn reflex

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