Mahnı ilə bağlı şərh yoxdur. İlk şərh yazan siz olun. Mahnını bəyəndinizsə şərh bölməsinə şərh yazaraq səhifəyə dəstək ola bilərsiniz.
Rick Astley She Wants to Dance With Me Mahnı sözləri
She wants to dance She wants to dance with me Oh yeah (dance with me) There's a girl I've been waiting to see And I really get the feeling that she likes me 'Cause she said so, but not in so many words I've got to tell you what I've heard She don't want no wild romance When she's with me she only wants to dance She wants to dance with me 'Cause I'll hold her so tight next to me She wants to dance with me 'Cause I'll let her be what she wants to be Now I know I've been out of touch And I never meant to hurt my baby oh so much 'Cause I love her and I think she love me And that's the way it's got to be When we're together we never fight We've got better things to do tonight She wants to dance with me 'Cause I'll hold her so tight next to me She wants to dance with me 'Cause I'll let her be what she wants to be She wants to dance She wants to dance She wants to dance with me 'Cause I'll hold her so tight next to me She wants to dance with me 'Cause I'll let her be what she wants to be She wants to dance with me 'Cause I'll hold her so tight next to me She wants to dance with me 'Cause I'll let her be what she wants to be She wants to dance with me 'Cause I'll hold her so tight next to me She wants to dance with me 'Cause I'll let her be what she wants to be
Rick Astley- She Wants to Dance With Me mp3 indir - mp3 yukle
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Həftəlik yeniliklərimizi 2025-un ən popular mp3 mahnılarını dinləyə ve yukləyə bilərsiniz.
Bizim musiqi saytimiz Rick Astley- She Wants to Dance With Me mp3 indir - mp3 yukle mp3 mahnisini onlayn dinləyə və ya pulsuz və qeydiyyatsız yükləmək imkanı verir.
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