Red Hot Chili Peppers The Adventures of Rain Dance Maggie

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The Adventures of Rain Dance MaggieRed Hot Chili Peppers

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Red Hot Chili Peppers - The Adventures of Rain Dance Maggie Sevimli musiqi siyahısına əlavə edildi!
Red Hot Chili Peppers - The Adventures of Rain Dance Maggie Sevimli musiqi siyahısından silindi!
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Red Hot Chili Peppers The Adventures of Rain Dance Maggie Mahnı sözləri

Red Hot Chili Peppers The Adventures of Rain Dance Maggie Sözleri

Lip stick junkie
Debunked the only one
She came back wearing a smile
Look-alike, someone drug me
They wanted to unplug me
No one here is on trial
It's just a turnaround
And we go, oh
Well then we go uh huh oh

Tick tock I want to rock you
Like the eighties
Cock blocking isn't allowed
Tugboat Shiela is into memorabilia
Who said three is a crowd
We better get it on the go

Hey now
We've got to make it rain somehow
She told me to
And showed me what to do
How Maggie makes it in her cloud

I said hey now
We've got to make it rain somehow
She told me to
And showed me what to do
She knows how to make it loud

Raindance Maggie
Advances to the final
Who knew that she had the goods
Little did I know
Her body was one
Delicious vinyl
To your neck of the woods I want to lick a little bit

Hey now
We've got to make it rain somehow
She told me to
And showed me what to do
How Maggie makes it in her cloud.

We've got the wrong girl
But not for long girl
It's in the song girl
Cause I'll be gone girl

Hey now
We've got to make it rain somehow
She told me to
And showed me what to do
How Maggie makes it in her cloud

I said hey now
I want to rock this rowdy crowd
She told me to
And showed me what to do
She knows how to make it loud

But not for long girl
It's in the song girl
Cause I'll be gone bye bye bye yeah
Bye bye bye girl


Bye bye girl
Bye bye girl
Bye bye

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