Night Lovell Concept Nothing

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Concept NothingNight Lovell

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Night Lovell - Concept Nothing Sevimli musiqi siyahısına əlavə edildi!
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Night Lovell Concept Nothing Mahnı sözləri

Ayy, ayy, uh huh
Ayy, yeah, uh
Bitch name Alyssa
Still, I'm gone with no Swisher
Shots of rum in the pitcher
I take the time, get me richer
Got the thot so intact
Dark from ground to the cat
Made a bill from the stack
This shit got a pill for the back
Hit that bitch from the back
Say you run with the pack
Miss my face with that shit
You say that you bring the fuck back
Say I'm always so cold
Told the story to know
In the facts that I say I live in the north of the gold, ayy, yeah
I'm so ashamed
Don't run, don't you run
Thinking that you'd end this shit from excess to the gun
Burning in the light, from the motherfucking sun
My way's to the stage, don't you never fucking fund
No status, no practice
Stay low, never a shit show
Takin' stacks for the snow
I take your bitch and she know
Movin' fast through the glass, never take it
Niggas talk, never walk
And I come straight back to lacing
Nab that shit, been dead
Still you down your fucking head
Seen with stats to the racks
I go down with thots in the back
Dumb ass nigga with the Ruger
Fuck around and pop ya
No, I'm never gonna stop her
Cut the power
You a marker
Tell them my life always down from the crowd
Never will I make yo' ass down for the town
Layin' on the low, face down in the bay
Sippin' gin, never take facts to the back
Let's go down to my nigga's
Tell me, bitch, don't sing it
Tell me shit but that's counterfeit
Think I'm dumb 'cause then shit I lit
Momma said four figures
Make it big, no dealers
Walking 'round, no trace of hit
Takin' cash from yo' dealer's shit
Chip slow for the back show 'bout ten mil' in 'Lando
Paint shit from thot shit, you call me Picasso
Niggas say that I'm wack though
Fuck a bitch in yo' Volvo
White meat on my plate though
White sheet to my pencil

Already done, fuck you niggas, I'm already done
Already done, I'm already done
Fuck you niggas, I'm already done
Never shit fun
Run with the gun
And fuck you niggas, I'm already done
Already done
Never shit fun
Already done, done

Crackhouse sniffin' in the back though
Coke white shoe, shit make dough
Niggas think big, she a plateau
Come back in the same brand coat
Try me, bitch, if you can though
Find me slick in a small boat
Touch my shit, get cutthroat
Walk by swift with the same note
Nigga, you's a lie
Claim you still the guy
I fuck you up so quick and take your motherfucking tie
Saying you should die
Locked up in the sky
Restricted to the moves I want to make, I never try

Night Lovell- Concept Nothing mp3 indir - mp3 yukle

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