NF Green Lights

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Green LightsNF

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NF - Green Lights Sevimli musiqi siyahısına əlavə edildi!
NF - Green Lights Sevimli musiqi siyahısından silindi!
Sevimli musiqi siyahınıza əlavə etmək üçün qeydiyyatdan keçin və ya daxil olun!

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NF Green Lights Mahnı sözləri

My name buzzin', ain't no way you could ignore it
I did not come this far so they could ignore meI am not the one to say, "I'll do it in the mornin'"
I'd rather get it done, don't focus on what's not important
They try to talk to me like they been nothin' but supportive
Appreciate the love, but do not show up on my doorstep
If you ain't about that real, I suggest that you avoid me
If we ain't on the same page, that's the end of story, ah!
Hey, you are not a baller 'cause your closet's full of Jordan's
You are not a rich man 'cause you're on the Forbes list
First, I dropped a record, then you know I gotta tour it
Real's still the slogan, only difference is there's more of us
The story of my life feels like it's just beginnin' now
I ask you a question, I want answers, not the run-around
You the one that brought it up, but I'm the one to shut it down
If you ain't got the album yet, I brought you one, I'm at your house

All I see is green lights
All I see is green lights
All I spit is real life
Bet you don't know what that's like (huh?)
All I see is green lights, woo
All I see is green lights, yeah
All I spit is real life
I bet you don't know what that's like

I know where I'm goin', I don't let no one distract me
I don't need directions from nobody in the back seat
I don't need these people in my corner tryna gas me
I'd rather have people in my corner tryna check me
Yeah, I walk off the bus a different city than the last week
Let the fans speak, they gon' tell you 'bout the past me
If I'm bein' honest, last year I was in a bad place
Wouldn't say I'm out of it, but don't feel like I can't be, ah!
Who you know droppin' clean records, but they nasty?
I was made for this, I could tell when mama had me
I hopped right off the table, told my doctor, "I ain't average."
He asked me, "What does that mean?"
I told him, "Get the pen and pad, please."
Who'd a known I'd write something that could change lives?
I don't think y'all fully understand the way you changed mine
I look at the future that's in front of me with both eyes
Three records, three years, I don't like to waste time
Oh yeah!

All I see is green lights, yeah
All I see is green lights, haha
All I spit is real life (real life)
Bet you don't know what that's like (you don't know!)
All I see is green lights (green lights), woo
All I see is green lights (green lights), yeah
All I spit is real life (oh!)
I bet you don't know what that's like (no!)

All I see is—green lights!
Oh my!


green lights

NF- Green Lights mp3 indir - mp3 yukle

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Bizim musiqi saytimiz NF- Green Lights mp3 indir - mp3 yukle mp3 mahnisini onlayn dinləyə və ya pulsuz və qeydiyyatsız yükləmək imkanı verir. Həm xarici, həm də yerli sənətkarların əsərlərini yerləşdiririk. Sevdiyiniz popular mp3 mahnıları özünüz əlavə edə və ya artıq yüklənmiş popular mp3 mahnılardan öz çalğı siyahılarınızı yarada bilərsiniz.

© 2025 Əlaqə üçün: Saytda yerləşdirilən bütün musiqilər yalnız tanıtım xarakteri daşıyır. Saytda musiqi yerləşdirmək və ya iradlarınızı bildirmək üçün aşağıdakı əlaqə vasitələrini istifadə edə bilərsiz. Sevdiyiniz mahnıları əlavə edə və ya artıq yüklənmiş mahnılardan öz çalğı siyahılarınızı yarada bilərsiniz. Qeydiyyatsiz mahnını dinləyib ve və yükləmək mümkündür. Məyyən funksiyalardan yararlanmaq üçün qeydiyyat keçmək lazımdır. Qeydiyyat tamamilə pulsuzdur.
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