Lil Tecca Out of Luck

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Out of LuckLil Tecca

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Lil Tecca Out of Luck Mahnı sözləri

My life a movie the way they be acting
She say that she like all my ad-libs
This life I gotta appreciate
Remember the time I ain't have this
But when they see me in a mansion
Tell me that they proud and they clapping
AR, I had to demonstrate
Honestly, I'm really just rapping
On my 'Gram, I got fans and they love me
On my 'Gram, I got haters, they hate me
They say that, "This nigga a fucking nerd"
Wonder why they seeing me lately
Wonder why they bitch wanna date me
Wonder why they cannot escape me
Wonder why some goofy nigga on the internet richer than them with brace teeth
Don't fuck with you, I'm gon' fuck it up
Getting records, I fuck with my bucks
Say you want me, then you out of luck
Baby girl, you out of luck
Antisocial, never join the club
Now your ho invite me to the club
But you're sexy, don't want to try me
Girl, nah, that ain't enough
Can't fuck with you, I'm gon' fuck it up
Getting records, I fuck with my bucks
Say you want me, then you out of luck
Baby girl, you out of luck
Antisocial, never join the club
Now your ho invite me to the club
But you're sexy, don't want to try me
Girl, nah, that ain't enough
Swear life change quick
Some niggas gotta keep that blick
Can't control if you broke or born rich
If you wanna situation, nigga, deal with it
Ha, bitch, you ain't made that clear
Nigga, see Lil' Tecca on the screen and click
Rewind a few times on the flow real quick
Finnessin' nigga, I was known for this
You immature and I'm grown with it
But it's Young Nigga World, kids so with it
Niggas will accuse you, I know
Just so they close when you blowin' shit
They gon' gas you up regardless, don't care
Trust, fuck your opinion, don't care what you hear
It's Bape boy, it's BB Simons on my gear
Your bitch spittin' game on me, hit from the rear
Me goin' broke, in God what I fear
Thank God she bless me, nigga, no luck
And I'm on my grind like some muhfuckin' trucks
I got the sauce, you can't touch, no
My life a movie the way they be acting
She say that she like all my ad-libs
This life I gotta appreciate
Remember the time I ain't have this
But when they see me in a mansion
Tell me that they proud and they clapping
AR, I had to demonstrate
Honestly, I'm really just rapping
On my 'Gram, I got fans and they love me
On my 'Gram, I got haters, they hate me
They say that, "This nigga a fucking nerd"
Wonder why they seeing me lately
Wonder why they bitch wanna date me
Wonder why they cannot escape me
Wonder why some goofy nigga on the internet richer than them with brace teeth
Don't fuck with you, I'm gon' fuck it up
Getting records, I fuck with my bucks
Say you want me, then you out of luck
Baby girl, you out of luck
Antisocial, never join the club
Now your ho invite me to the club
But you're sexy, don't want to try me
Girl, nah, that ain't enough
Can't fuck with you, I'm gon' fuck it up
Getting records, I fuck with my bucks
Say you want me, then you out of luck
Baby girl, you out of luck
Antisocial, never join the club
Now your ho invite me to the club
But you're sexy, don't want to try me
Girl, nah, that ain't enough


lil tecca out luck

Lil Tecca- Out of Luck mp3 indir - mp3 yukle

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