Lil Baby On Me

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On MeLil Baby

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Lil Baby - On Me Sevimli musiqi siyahısına əlavə edildi!
Lil Baby - On Me Sevimli musiqi siyahısından silindi!
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Lil Baby On Me Mahnı sözləri

(What's happenin', Chi Chi?)

[Verse 1]
Fill the bando up with bags, give the lil' bro them a job
You can come get rich with us, you gon' eat or you gon' starve?
Keep a certified hitter sittin', I pay him not to rob
Hop out 2020 Cullinan, I'm ridin' in the stars
Know some people hate that I'm on top, I bulletproofed the car
All the members made free bands off packs, live like they crackin' cards
Joe know for a fact I keep it real, he still ain't take the charge
Why she talkin' crazy 'bout me like I don't do more than my part?
I can't play with my creation, give the world to my lil' boys
I been savin' more than I been spendin', that's what I bе on
I'm a human, I'm not perfect, I know sometimеs I be wrong

I'm like, "Come and put that pussy on me, don't be runnin' from me"
If I like it, I spend money on it, get whatever from me
Put six figures in your business, I do real shit
I drop cash at the dealership, they'll mail you a pink slip
She make sure she keep her nails did and her wig fixed
Went to jail and that one held me down, she a real bitch
Hundred rounds in the double drum, this a Kel-Tec
Marco been in prison for a while, but he still flex

[Verse 2]
I told brodie 'nem to park the car, but they still wrecked
I don't think nobody around steal, but I still check
I don't got a hundred mil' yet, I can't chill yet
But don't get it misconstrued, yeah, I get real checks
Baby fuckin' like a pornstar, we have real sex
Have nobody in our business, we take Learjets
Say she like when I perform, so I fuck her with my chains on
And she handlin' her part, so I let her play the main role
Ain't have to get rich for these partners, still with the same folks
And I can't beef with none of you niggas, not in the same boat
I'm never gon' get caught up about it, know how the game go
Tennis chain bustin', look like rainbows

I'm like, "Come and put that pussy on me, don't be runnin' from me"
If I like it, I spend money on it, get whatever from me
Put six figures in your business, I do real shit
I drop cash at the dealership, they'll mail you a pink slip
She make sure she keep her nails did and her wig fixed
Went to jail and that one held me down, she a real bitch
Hundred rounds in the double drum, this a Kel-Tec
Marco been in prison for a while, but he still flex

I'm like, "Come and put that pussy on me, don't be runnin' from me"
If I like it, I spend money on it, get whatever from me


lil baby

Lil Baby- On Me mp3 indir - mp3 yukle

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