Lady XO No Aesthetic

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No AestheticLady XO

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Lady XO - No Aesthetic Sevimli musiqi siyahısına əlavə edildi!
Lady XO - No Aesthetic Sevimli musiqi siyahısından silindi!
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Lady XO No Aesthetic Mahnı sözləri

Bet I shake the room the second that I'm steppin' foot in
How you wanna eat but you ain't never put no bread in?
Told him show me you could make a ten you know he couldn't
I got men in competition with me bet let's start the show then
Tried it now they dyin' someone call a paramedic
We stay strapped upkeep your back up goofy this ain't no aesthetic
Swear the way that shit be singin' on my baby it's poetic
Could of ran it up with us naw you switched up bet he regret it
Be selective who you slick with leave your body lonely leaking
Where I'm from the winter long forget about you by the weekend
Heard the word around town you tryna set up goofy tweakin'
Keep the blinds over the window it's a lick if we can peek in
If you caught up it's a wrap bitch I'm a pro at hide and seekin'
Don't be lackin' round a savage run them pockets finder's keepin'
I get paid in every way give me a mic so I could speak in
I put money on myself bitch you don't know what you believe in

If you hustle lemme see
Can't get a hand up outta me
I turn 10 to 20, 50
Overtime cause I'm a g
No way no favors out of me
Pay me a fee cause shit ain't free
They can't stand me try to slander me I told em take a seat
If you hustle lemme see
Can't get a hand up outta me
I turn 10 to 20, 50
Overtime cause I'm a g
No way no favors out of me
Pay me a fee cause shit ain't free
They can't stand me try to slander me I told em take a seat

Wanna get up in my business
I don't pay em no attention
They be plottin' on the low
But I could feel it when it's tension
I'm up early in the mornin' gettin' to it shit a blessing
How you busy talkin' shit but used to ask me for directions?
I don't got no hoes around me I don't trust em they be sketchy
Anybody play with us just know that shit gon end up messy
Actin' like you big and tall I bet that shit I'll leave you 6 feet
Yo don't gas me off the D'ussé I'm aggressive when I'm tipsy
Won't surprise me if they try to snake it's rare when they be loyal
How you dickride hate me at the same time shit be so annoying
I ain't seen you with no money from before that unemployment
I ain't miss my shot one time I know they hot they can't avoid it
I spend way more on investing than you do when you be flexin'
You got 20's in a stack that shit is corny, not impressive
Offer only had 6 digits yeah go figure I need 7
Yeah in case they mad and want my spot that's why I keep a weapon

If you hustle lemme see
Can't get a hand up outta me
I turn 10 to 20, 50
Overtime cause I'm a g
No way no favors out of me
Pay me a fee cause shit ain't free
They can't stand me try to slander me I told em take a seat
If you hustle lemme see
Can't get a hand up outta me
I turn 10 to 20, 50
Overtime cause I'm a g
No way no favors out of me
Pay me a fee cause shit ain't free
They can't stand me try to slander me I told em take a seat


lady aesthetic

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