Krept & Konan Tell Me

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Tell MeKrept & Konan

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Krept & Konan Tell Me Mahnı sözləri

Yeah, you know I might
Tell me the price
Then you know I might
Ride me like a pony
Yeah, I'm whipping white
Tell me what you like
I'ma kill that pussy cause a felony tonight
Ride me like a pony while I'm playing genuine
Patek or the Rollie, but I never can decide, oh
Flexin' on 'em, yeah, that's what I do, yeah
Diamonds on my chain to fit the mood, yeah
Thousand on some shoes that's nothing new
Shades on all the time, they think I'm rude
Ooh, if you had money like me what would you do?
I like your vibe and your attitude
Fashion weekend so I take her Paris, buy her Jimmy Choo
Jimmy Choo or the Fendi
I run a check up in the make-up store on Fenty
You know the vibe, it's the Hennessy and Pepsi
Fishnet tights, open-wide, she said, "Let's eat"
One phone call and that's a-go
Didn't know then now you know
And a dotty in her coat
Free up Gotti, that's my bro
They wish death on me, I know
May the wap protect my soul
Took her Mallorca, broke my heart, a lesson to me
Got a stock from Asgard, I got a weapon on me
If you're talking jail time, I got a 7 on me
Open ya legs, let me watch you pee
Still waiting for Gutta, I need that nigga free
Run up in the bando, tell 'em, "Freeze"
Drug addict, I gotta chill if I got promethazine
Tell me what you like
I'ma kill that pussy cause a felony tonight
Ride me like a pony while I'm playing genuine
Patek or the Rollie, but I never can decide, oh
Flexin' on 'em, yeah, that's what I do, yeah
Diamonds on my chain to fit the mood, yeah
Thousand on some shoes that's nothing new
Shades on all the time, they think I'm rude
Ooh, yo ifu' had money like me what would you do?
I like your vibe and your attitude
Fashion weekend so I take her Paris, buy her Jimmy Choo
Rollie or the Pati' out, fist in your chatty mouth
Used to keep the Marge in my Maggie's house
No I mean Maggie in my Marge's
Copper heads fallin' on the carpet
Started in the DM now we're doin' up massages
Jeans from Italia, money made me happier
Rice and Tilapia, Cali' not the Ami-ah
Big batty girl from Somalia
I won't make you choose, yeah, I won't make you choose
The AP looking icey but my Rollie looking cool
All the shit that I've been through
I'll take a purp, I'm on the moon
This Rollie 41 and my diamonds peek-a-boo
She think I'm going crazy, all this money that I spend
Treat you like a lady, baby, I will pay your rent
All these lies that I don't hear, tell me you don't care
I can treat you like a Queen, baby, go and tell your friends
Tell me what you like
I'ma kill that pussy cause a felony tonight
Ride me like a pony while I'm playing genuine
Patek or the Rollie, but I never can decide, oh
Flexin' on 'em, yeah, that's what I do, yeah
Diamonds on my chain to fit the mood, yeah
Thousand on some shoes that's nothing new
Shades on all the time, they think I'm rude
Ooh, yo ifu' had money like me what would you do?
I like your vibe and your attitude
Fashion week and so I take her Paris, buy her Jimmy Choo


krept konan tell

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