Krept & Konan I Spy

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I SpyKrept & Konan

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Krept & Konan I Spy Mahnı sözləri

Rah, it's BKay you now
You know
[Chorus: Krept]
I spy with my little eye (Yes)
Something beginning with F (What?)
Fuckboy's doing up net (Fuckboy's)
Talking real, we're the last ones left (The last)
Suck your mudda (Hah)
I said it with chest (You know)
I spy with my little eye (Yes)
Something beginning with F (What?)
Fuckboys doing up net (Fuckboys)
Talking real, we're the last ones left (The last)
Suck your mudda (Hah)
I said it with chest (You know)
Play dirty
[Verse 1: Konan]
We don't believe your raps
Keep thinking your Mr Muscle
'Til you see the flash
You don't want bro turning up
Stolen car, burning clutch
I hid the mash in my aunties toilet
Panicking every time I heard it flush (Behave)
The line phone weren't EE (Brr, brr)
Bought two O's and got a Q free
It was TT (Ten out of ten)
Sending me vids on snap
Her boyfriend told her delete me (Haha)
Last week she saw me in tape
Now she wants see D (Narsty)
Roll up my sleeve and I've got 'em all watching
NSG with the watches, yeah, I got options (Jheeze)
All that talk on the socials, real life, they don't want problems (Pussies)
How many times have my bredrin left flat like he works in Foxtons?(Eurgh)
[Verse 2: K Trap & Krept]
Live in the flesh, I don't know about typing or doing no diss (No, I don't)
Don't be fooled by the shit they do in their vid's
Harvey Nicks, I'm doing a quid
Probably wear that shit on a glide, ruin the drip (Ugh)
Get that press out, ruin a brick
Remix one, put two on the strip (Two of them)
Two man, two fuck off coats
It's very clear what I'm doing with Mish (Mash)
Two pack ting, man do it with twins
Difference is I do it to win
I just made her top and she said we are doing a ting
Can't sleep on a vio' so any time we riss' it (Rise it)
Score on the opp boys then swear blind we didn't (Hah)
Big Mac with fries
That ain't no Fish-O-Filet (Nope)
Who's that man? Spin it, drill it, miss it, I'm livid (Pissed)
[Chorus: Krept]
I spy with my little eye (Yes)
Something beginning with F (What?)
Fuckboys doing up net (Fuckboys)
Talking real, we're the last ones left (The last)
Suck your mudda (Hah)
I said it with chest (You know)
I spy with my little eye (Yes)
Something beginning with F (What?)
Fuckboys doing up net (Fuckboys)
Talking real, we're the last ones left (The last)
Suck your mudda (Hah)
I said it with chest (You know)
[Verse 3: Krept]
If I come with Loony (Tunes), then you know mans angle (They know)
Buss mans head with a Hennessy bottle or he might Jack Daniel (Evil)
Had some of your favourite rappers baby mothers on scandals (Whore)
Chupa tu madre, that's suck your mum in Español (Haha)
All my bros never had a pot to piss in (Facts, ay)
But that don't mean they don't have a pot to whip in (Whip)
You ain't on piss (Nope), and your bredrin isn't (Nah)
I highly doubt that Louis, got a western in it (Nah)
Them man spend money on hoes, us man spend money on homes (Homes)
Bro went so much cheffing, nearly gave him a job at Crepes and Cones (Nuh)
On the same line up but we got different dough (It's different)
Ask Craig, just turned down a hundred-fifty racks for the show (You know)
[Verse 4: Headie One]
I was in the T with a pack tryna make sure I double that T (TT)
Spent like twenty-eight days on the M non stop, tryna make sure that I double that re' (Simple)
Got like three hunna numbers on my Lyca, my fiends won't ring when I double that E (EE)
Me and bro just got a new fuckrey one, tryna score 'til we double that lead (Turn)
These skengs ain't coming that cheap so I make sure I scrape that bowl
They think I'm Superman in my spot so I'm calling that strip Cape Cove (Turn, ay)
Me and bro break bread, same loaf, when I done two works in a week, same coat (Su)
I got plans for my future and it ain't sold, so I burned it all, make sure the case closed (Su-su-su-su)
The feds been when I ain't home, I was on the streets really playing Saints Rows (One)
One level on the track, I didn't do cane rows, I was really making sure all this green goes
So I have no days off (Su), it went in hard but I got it in soft
These pigs really put me on the wing, had me rolling with snooker balls and sock (Su-su-su-su)
[Chorus: Krept]
I spy with my little eye (Yes)
Something beginning with F (What?)
Fuckboy's doing up net (Fuckboys)
Talking real, we're the last ones left (The last)
Suck your mudda (Hah)
I said it with chest (You know)
I spy with my little eye (Yes)
Something beginning with F (What?)
Fuckboy's doing up net (Fuckboys)
Talking real, we're the last ones left (The last)
Suck your mudda (Hah)
I said it with chest (You know)


krept konan spy

Krept & Konan- I Spy mp3 indir - mp3 yukle

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© 2025 Əlaqə üçün: Saytda yerləşdirilən bütün musiqilər yalnız tanıtım xarakteri daşıyır. Saytda musiqi yerləşdirmək və ya iradlarınızı bildirmək üçün aşağıdakı əlaqə vasitələrini istifadə edə bilərsiz. Sevdiyiniz mahnıları əlavə edə və ya artıq yüklənmiş mahnılardan öz çalğı siyahılarınızı yarada bilərsiniz. Qeydiyyatsiz mahnını dinləyib ve və yükləmək mümkündür. Məyyən funksiyalardan yararlanmaq üçün qeydiyyat keçmək lazımdır. Qeydiyyat tamamilə pulsuzdur.
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