Krept & Konan Broski

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BroskiKrept & Konan

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Krept & Konan Broski Mahnı sözləri

This one's for my brother, Nash
Can't even believe I'm doing this
We miss you, trust me, yeah
One time for my broski
If you've ever lost somebody close
Please put your lights up
Let's make a toast, G
For my broski
For my broski
Yeah, one time for my broski
If you've ever lost somebody close
Please put your lights up
Let's make a toast, G
For my broski
For my broski
That's my brother, that's my homie
My right hand man, if you know me
Now my brother's gone, I'm feeling lonely
Trying to figure out why you didn't phone me
My brother Nash always smiled, so he seemed fine
We didn't realize he was going through shit the whole time
Nash, I don't know why you never gave us one fucking sign
Built Crepes and Cones from scratch, me and you were on the grind
We slept in that shop, nearly every fucking night
Every time I think about this, I get tears in my eyes
It's like you waited 'til it was done before you took your own life
You made sure the shop was finished and everything was so precise
Nash was so selfless, God bless your soul
He made sure he didn't take his life before we reached the goal
That tells you every single thing you need to know about him
And now my hearts broken that we have to go without him
Used to play you every song before I even drop it
Every time you heard a punchline, you were like, "Nah akh, stop it"
My brothers are the best, Play Dirty to the death
We had plans of taking over, this shit don't make sense
I came to you about my idea for robbery
I sprayed you all the bars, you went crazy in the car
That's when I knew it was hit, like I'm a finish this tomorrow
Like who's supposed to gas me now and say I raised the bar?
Yeah, one time for my broski
If you've ever lost somebody close
Please put your lights up
Let's make a toast, G
For my broski
For my broski
Yeah, one time for my broski
If you've ever lost somebody close
Please put your lights up
Let's make a toast, G
For my broski
For my broski
One time for my bro, Nash
We all miss you, I hope that you know that
Whatever you was going through, you kept it to yourself
And I wish I could have helped
If you just wanted to talk, if you just wanted to chat
Bro you know I had your back, from when they stabbed me in my back
So when Floss told me the news, I was sitting there confused
Tears rushing to my eyes, I couldn't eat my food
Bro, I don't wanna believe it, but I have to
You passed away before I got to say, "Thank you"
And that shit hit me hard but I'm better now
'Cause they say the good die young and I get it now
Sometimes being strong ain't strong enough
To anybody keeping things bottled up
I just want to let you know that you're not alone
Pick up the phone, don't suffer on your own
Make sure that you're watching me, yeah
But I know that you're watching me, yeah
Up there and you're watching me, yeah
Big smile while you're watching me, yeah
One time for my broski
If you've ever lost somebody close
Please put your lights up
Let's make a toast, G
For my broski (for my broski)
For my broski
Yeah, one time for my broski
If you've ever lost somebody close
Please put your lights up
Let's make a toast, G
For my broski (for my broski)
For my broski
So much pain, so much love
God took an angel from us
So much pain, so much love
God took an angel from us
Yeah, ooh
So much pain, so much love
God took an angel from us
Took an angel from us
So much pain, so much love
God took an angel from us
Yeah, oh, no
God took an angel
He took a angel
Took an angel
Stage time, stage time my brudda
Come on, kill it, jheeze


krept konan broski

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