Kat Dahlia Gangsta

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GangstaKat Dahlia

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Kat Dahlia - Gangsta Sevimli musiqi siyahısına əlavə edildi!
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Kat Dahlia Gangsta Mahnı sözləri

You say you a gangsta, that don't impress me none
You say you a gangsta, ain't seen a thing you done
I do it all myself, I ain't gettin' helpFrom no one, from no one

Yeah, I'm young, twenty-one, living in a crazy world
But I know the difference between a man and a herb
You frontin' like you got it, claim they hittin' on your wallet
Gucci tellin' you the time and you watch it
Now I ain't stuntin' like my daddy, he's livin' with my grammie
Used to be a big baller, he's survivin' off of gamblin
But I love 'im, he's my daddy, yeah, I love 'im, he's my daddy
Put 'im in a big house before I ever see a Grammy
And my mommy started working days at the church
Findin' faith in god 'cause the real world hurts
So much evil lurks, they just make us work
But we can't find work

Abeula, mami, and the girls, in a one-bedroom
South beach lifestyle, they just payin' for the view
Mommy on the couch since she was forty-two
Sacrificing for the kids, 'cause that's what mommies do
So I smoke my spliff, I spliff it hard
Candy says to stop, my voice is gettin' too harsh
So I sobered up, and my thoughts they rush
And now I think of you behind bars
Cross state lines, they spliffin' good
In Miami you catch a charge
And the whole family tears apart

You say you a gangsta, that don't impress me none
You say you a gangsta, ain't seen a thing you done
I do it all myself, I ain't gettin' help
From no one, from no one
You say you a gangsta, that don't impress me none

You say you a gangsta, ain't seen a thing you done
I do it all myself, I ain't gettin' help
From no one, from no one

And this recession's so depressin'
My parents don't stop stressin'
Just hopin' I learned all they lessons
And I'm payin' for this session
I'm payin' for this session
And I'm payin' rent, food, clothes, phone, Christmas presents
Six shots in, I'm just countin' all my blessings
No days off, baby, I ain't restin'
I told my sins, now I'm done confessin'

You say you a gangsta, but that don't impress me none
You say you a gangsta, ain't seen a thing you done
I do it all myself, I ain't gettin' help
From no one, from no one

You say you a gangsta, but that don't impress me none
You say you a gangsta, ain't seen a thing you done
I do it all myself, I ain't gettin' help
From no one, from no one

On the way to the top, I make with what I got
You want my number, baby, I'm on a mission, catch up
Men sellin' love like thieves
But when the girlie leaves, he'll start flirtin' with me
So I took my heart off my sleeve
Never trust a man 'cause they all hungry
Yeah, they all hungry
Never trust a man 'cause they all hungry

Right when you thought you had me
Baby, you just lost someone
Finally got over you, baby, time to move on
Never learned your lesson, ain't even gonna question
Why it went so wrong

Right when you thought you had me
Baby, you just lost someone
Finally got over you, baby, time to move on
Never learned your lesson, ain't even gonna question
Why it went so wrong

You say you a gangster, that don't impress me none
You say you a gangster, ain't seen a thing you done


kat dahlia gangsta

Kat Dahlia- Gangsta mp3 indir - mp3 yukle

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