Jonas Brothers Rollercoaster

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RollercoasterJonas Brothers

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Jonas Brothers - Rollercoaster Sevimli musiqi siyahısına əlavə edildi!
Jonas Brothers - Rollercoaster Sevimli musiqi siyahısından silindi!
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Jonas Brothers Rollercoaster Mahnı sözləri

Nights, flying down the 10, nearly 2 AM
Happiness begins
Days lifted in a haze, we weren't just a phase
We weren't just pretend (just pretend)
I remember low lows and high highs
We threw our hands up, palms out to the skies
It was fun when we were young and now we're older
Those days when we were broke in California
We were up-and-down and barely made it over
But I'd go back and ride that roller coaster
It was fun when we were young and now we're older
Those days that are the worst, they seem to glow now
We were up-and-down and barely made it over
But I'd go back and ride that roller coaster with you
Woo ooh ooh, woo ooh
Woo ooh ooh (oh, oh)
But I'd come back and ride that roller coaster
Faith led me to the clouds, reaching for the ground
His life was upside down
Now everything has changed, we found better days
But I still hear the sound
I remember low lows and high highs
We threw our hands up, palms out to the skies
It was fun when we were young and now we're older
Those days when we were broke in California
We were up-and-down and barely made it over
But I'd go back and ride that roller coaster
It was fun when we were young and now we're older (oh)
Those days that are the worst, they seem to glow now (yeah)
We were up-and-down and barely made it over
But I'd go back and ride that roller coaster with you
Woo ooh ooh (yeah, with you)
Woo ooh (with you, with you)
Woo ooh ooh (oh, oh)
But I'd go back and ride that roller coaster
It was fun when we were young and now we're older
Those days that are the worst, they seem to glow now
We were up-and-down and barely made it over
But I'd go back and ride that roller coaster
Nights, flying down the 10, nearly 2 AM
Happiness begins

Jonas Brothers- Rollercoaster mp3 indir - mp3 yukle

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