G-Eazy The Plan

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The PlanG-Eazy

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G-Eazy The Plan Mahnı sözləri

Ayy, uh
I do this shit cause ITurn, turn it up a little bit
I gotta, I gotta, I gotta blap
Yo, yo, yo, ayy

I might go fuck up these bands (ayy)
I do this shit 'cause I can (yeah)
I just took care of my fam (ayy)
Thought this was always the plan (yeah)
I might go fly to Japan (ayy)
Honolulu get a tan (yeah)
To the beach I don't bring sand (no)
Thought that was always the plan (yeah)

Grown up, now I am the man (yeah)
It's shit you don't understand (ayy)
Popeye just opened the can
I don't fuck with no fufu, that's not on my brand (ayy)
Call me when you need a hand (yeah)
In the bay I'm superman (ayy)
YSL on me, god damn
Tell me, why is your girlfriend my number one fan? (yeah)
Always scrutinized, bags are super sized, why are you surprised?
Must have mixed us with a different group of guys
Spot the truth or lies, I mean business
But I'm not in suit and ties
Just been prophesized (yeah, uh)
This shit fell right into place (yeah)
Indy 500 my pace (ayy)
Drinking it straight to the face
Liquor and women, two things I don't chase (uh)
Don't got a minute to waste (yeah)
Mask off I'm showing my face (yeah)
Shoutout Dakari my ace (uh)
They hate so much it's a disgrace (uh)
I put 'em back into place (yeah)
I put your bitch in a wraith
I just snatch her, she's vanishing without a trace (yeah)

I might go fuck up these bands (ayy)
I do this shit 'cause I can (yeah)
I just took care of my fam (ayy)
Thought this was always the plan (yeah)
I might go fly to Japan (ayy)
Honolulu get a tan (yeah)
To the beach I don't bring sand (no)

Thought that was always the plan (no)
Thought that was always the plan (no)
Thought that was always the plan (ayy)
Did it I do it again (no)
Thought that was always the plan
I might go fuck up these bands (ayy)
I do this shit 'cause I can (yeah)
I just took care of my fam (ayy)
Thought this was always the plan (yeah)

Uh, ten years this shit has been brewing (ayy)
I'm like: The fuck you been doing? (yeah)
Hall of fame, Gerald's a shoe in
You'll never be Jordan, you're more Patrick Ewing (yeah)
Number one spot, I'm pursuing (ayy)
Exclusive like: Who let you in? (yeah)
Money talks, I speak it fluent
Got tired of my bitch, I went got a new one
Quick swish that
This bitch whack
Pack, flip that
Making quick stacks
This shit blap
She did that (uh)
Taking a quick trap nap (yeah)
I go all night and shit
Ain't gotta hide this shit
This shit's a freestyle, I ain't even write this shit
Roll me some, Marty, and I'm finna light this shit (ayy, yeah)
My jaw swimming on South Beach
This is shit that they don't teach
Don't go too far
Don't trap too hard
Bitch, don't reach like (uh)
Drugs got me on a level, lock jaw, got slow speech
I'm courtside, I got floor seats
Next to Rihanna like "Oh Sheesh!"

I might go fuck up these bands (ayy)
I do this shit 'cause I can (yeah)
I just took care of my fam (ayy)
Thought this was always the plan (yeah)
I might go fly to Japan (ayy)
Honolulu get a tan (yeah)
To the beach I don't bring sand (no)

Thought that was always the plan (no)
Thought that was always the plan (no)
Thought that was always the plan (ayy)
Did it I do it again (you know?)
Thought that was always the plan (yeah)
I might go fuck up these bands (ayy)
I do this shit 'cause I can (yeah)
I just took care of my fam (ayy)
Thought that was always the plan (yeah)

I thought this was always the plan
What were you doing?
What do you mean?

There's only one way
There's only one option
There's only one route to get there, you know?
It's not going to make itself
When you wake up and check the Chase App
And this shit got more and more digits than a license plate
Them seven-eight figures don't make themselves, yadadamean?
You gotta get it
This was always the plan


eazy the plan

G-Eazy- The Plan mp3 indir - mp3 yukle

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