G-Eazy Far Alone

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Far AloneG-Eazy

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G-Eazy Far Alone Mahnı sözləri

Yeah, yeah, yeah, blue jeans, Air Ones and a white tee
'06 hangin' out the window like, yee
Hyphy on one, off a bottle might be, my treeSmokin Agent Orange, Hi-C
Back when me and Marty was recordin' at my Mom's
Most of y'all were chasin' around bops
Always in the lab, only hoping that my job
Never would be based around mops now I'm on
Yeah, she know; love me cause my ego
Girls and the drugs always follow us where we go
Ay, where the bay at!?
Shouts out to Jay Ant
Lookin' for the party girls, let me know where they at
Skinny rich girls always askin where the yay at
Throw a house party like cool, where you stay at?
Turn upside down, let her twerk on the wall
Took her to the bathroom and did work in the stall

They used to tell me couldn't go too far alone (far alone)
They used to always say I couldn't go too far alone (far alone)
But now I'm here, bitch
But now I'm here, bitch
(G-Eazy, let E-Feezy tell his story!)
But now I'm here, bitch

It ain't funny what I've been through
Your enemy can be some kin to you
I started off hella broke
Hung around people that's older than me, took notes
Momma worked three jobs on the weekends
Used to help her wash the walls at Mare island
In Vallejo naval houses
Havin' a roof over my head was my allowance
The oldest of four, young adults
Surrounded by grief, big dreams and hope
They hated and they doubted
How did you take it? Took it with a grain of salt
I wanted it badly, they couldn't stop me, Indie
Erry label wanted to sign me
Grew up on Short and Freddie B
(Who else?) Magic Mike and Calvin T

They used to tell me I couldn't go too far alone (far alone)
They used to always say I couldn't go too far alone (far alone)
But now I'm here, bitch
But now I'm here, bitch
But now I'm here, bitch

From the BART train to a tour bus
Still the same game except I'm pulling more sluts
More butts, more bucks, never giving more fucks
Did it my way, I'm never taking short cuts
Raised in that town like fool, who put you upon?
Huh, E-40, Mac Dre is who I grew up on
I'm just selling game got you if you need a coupon
You can check my resume, see every beat I threw up on
Smoking on grapes, rollin up swishers, no papes
Back of the Ghost, closed drapes
I'm a boss tycoon
Girls in the crowd all swoon
Super high, I'm off to the moon
And I vanished with your girl then I took her to my room
She wants me to slay okay, that means doom
Boom, and it's to be expected
Knew this would happen as soon as she texted

They used to tell me I couldn't go too far alone (far alone)
They used to always say I couldn't go too far alone (far alone)
But now I'm here, bitch
But now I'm here, bitch
(But now I'm here, bitch)
(But now I'm here, bitch)
(But now I'm here, bitch)

No you'll never gonna make this far
No you'll never gonna make this far


eazy far alone

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