G-Eazy Eyes Closed

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Eyes ClosedG-Eazy

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G-Eazy Eyes Closed Mahnı sözləri


Did this shit with my eyes closedMade it here with my eyes closed
Spend a mil with my eyes closed
And I made it back with my eyes closed
With my eyes closed
I got my hands inside and my eyes closed (eyes closed)
Yeah, yeah, I did it all with my eyes closed
Switchin' lanes with my eyes closed
I'm the realest one, I know
This is that life that I die for
I swear I wrote this shit with my eyes closed
And my eyes closed
I got my hands inside and my eyes closed (eyes closed)
Yeah, I did it all with my eyes closed (aye, aye, Gerald)

S.O.P, Gucci, nice clothes
One me, five hoes, 'cause they all go where this guy goes
My team full of psychos
Drunk text full of typos
Uber pull up fill up with bad bitches
Hollywood hills-type hoes
If it's heat, then I'll pick a beat, then I'll write a rap, then I'll hit the bong
Ten minutes passed, would you look at that? I just did a song
And I'll come correct, I can't name a time that I did it wrong
They couldn't get done so they hit me up and I did it for 'em
Do this shit with my hands tied and my eyes closed
Just leave it to me, trust me it's nothing, it's easy to me
I can be what you need me to be
I just married the game, that bitch ain't never cheated on me
King of the caps, now they speakin' on me
But you rappers is broke but that's none of my business
I'm just sippin' my tea

Did this shit with my eyes closed
Made it here with my eyes closed
Spend a mil with my eyes closed
And I made it back with my eyes closed
With my eyes closed
I got my hands inside and my eyes closed
Yeah, I did it all with my eyes closed
Switchin' lanes with my eyes closed
I'm the realest one, I know
This is that life that I die for
I swear I wrote this shit with my eyes closed
And my eyes closed
I got my hands inside and my eyes closed
Yeah, I did it all with my eyes closed

The life, I chose, only play, my roles
Only drive, my roads
I'm always grounded, five toes
Always packed, my shows
See the money, mind blows
Car swangin', sideshows
They always jockin', my flows
They couldn't walk a mile inside of my soles
Michelle, Barack, and Joe, that's really squad goals
And I'm so drunk and high, look like my eyes closed
I fucked that bitch, she ugly so my eyes closed
I've been a G.O.A.T, it's easy, not difficult
And fuck whoever didn't vote
Wanna meet Ivanka, then elope
Turn around, have her stiff the dope
Think I give a fuck? Bitch, I don't
A reminder, just a note
This might be the realest shit I wrote in awhile

Did this shit with my eyes closed
Made it here with my eyes closed
Spend a mil with my eyes closed
And I made it back with my eyes closed
With my eyes closed
I got my hands inside and my eyes closed
Yeah, I did it all with my eyes closed
Switchin' lanes with my eyes closed
I'm the realest one, I know
This is that life that I die for
I swear I wrote this shit with my eyes closed
And my eyes closed
I got my hands inside and my eyes closed
Yeah, I did it all with my eyes closed


eazy eyes closed

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