Future Lay Up

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Lay UpFuture

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Future - Lay Up Sevimli musiqi siyahısına əlavə edildi!
Future - Lay Up Sevimli musiqi siyahısından silindi!
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Future Lay Up Mahnı sözləri

I fuck on that bitch and we lay up
I fuck on that bitch and we lay up
I fuck on that bitch and we lay up
I passed her off like a lay up
I tripled my cups like an addict
She come through late night on them Xannies
Don't tell me you back in that action
Don't tell me you back in that action
I get that mouth on the regular
I get more lip than a cellular
I fuck that pussy on the regular
She take them Xans on the regular
I'm not so average, unregular
I don't do shit if it's regular
I jump out the whip, it ain't regular
I'm flippin' the script, it ain't regular
I'm not just a local pedestrian
I get that work from the Mexicans
I ride with my niggas like Mexicans
I sell them keys on the regular
I push start the car, it ain't regular
My watch and my chain ain't regular
I smash on your broad on the regular
She let me menage on the regular
I fuck on that bitch and we lay up
I fuck on that bitch and we lay up
I fuck on that bitch and we lay up
I passed her off like a lay up
I tripled my cups like an addict
She come through late night on them Xannies
Don't tell me you back in that action
Don't tell me you back in that action
I'm back on them Xannies
I'm back in that action, I'm back in that action
I'm back with that double cup, now I done tripled up
Bag is Chanel and her bag cost a bale
I spend that money on the regular
I blow them racks on the regular
I won't hit that blunt if it's regular
I got that mouth, it was regular
Smokin' on Kush like it's regular
Drivin' a whip like it's regular
200 A zip in this Actavis
I keep that Planet of the Ape on me
Add some more shine in the face, homie
Quadruple the clarity, yay, yay
I got that bitch on that dope dick
She said she cummin' like yeah, yeah
I fuck on that bitch and we lay up
I fuck on that bitch and we lay up
I fuck on that bitch and we lay up
I passed her off like a lay up
I tripled my cups like an addict
She come through late night on them Xannies
Don't tell me you back in that action
Don't tell me you back in that action
Don't tell me you back in that action
Don't tell me you back on them Xannies
Let's pop up some Vicodin
They said we were dead broke, nigga
Only God can judge us
Take a bar and I love it
On a bar and I love it
I want that money for sure, shawty
I go to work on a pink toe
She go to work at a Pink Pony
She came out the ceiling, no clothes on
I hit her hood with them clothes on me
A gram of that good have your nose runnin'
I fucked her so good, had her nose runnin'
It's cold in the hood like a nose runnin'
I put her flat on her back, yeah
I fuck on that bitch and we lay up
I fuck on that bitch and we lay up
I fuck on that bitch and we lay up
I passed her off like a lay up
I tripled my cups like an addict
She come through late night on them Xannies
Don't tell me you back in that action
Don't tell me you back in that action
I fuck on that bitch and we lay up
I fuck on that bitch and we lay up
I fuck on that bitch and we lay up
I passed her off like a lay up
I tripled my cups like an addict
She come through late night on them Xannies
Don't tell me you back in that action
Don't tell me you back in that action, yeah


future lay

Future- Lay Up mp3 indir - mp3 yukle

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Bizim melody.az musiqi saytimiz Future- Lay Up mp3 indir - mp3 yukle mp3 mahnisini onlayn dinləyə və ya pulsuz və qeydiyyatsız yükləmək imkanı verir. Həm xarici, həm də yerli sənətkarların əsərlərini yerləşdiririk. Sevdiyiniz popular mp3 mahnıları özünüz əlavə edə və ya artıq yüklənmiş popular mp3 mahnılardan öz çalğı siyahılarınızı yarada bilərsiniz.

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