Future 56 Nights

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56 NightsFuture

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Future 56 Nights Mahnı sözləri

Waking up fresh, that's Kodak
Killing these niggas, you know that
Real street nigga, you know that
Real street nigga, you know that
I think 56 nights crazy
I think 56 nights crazy
I think me and Esco crazy
I think me and Young Sco' crazy
I did 56 broads on the European tour and they was all crazy
I did 56 broads on the European tour and they was all crazy
I took 56 bars all in one month nigga and I'm still dranking
I could still see the scar on a nigga hand man shit real crazy
I been taking these molly's, still still nodding off cause a nigga too faded
I've been laying low key inside, my nigga, vault money is my motivation
Money keep a nigga motivated
Molly keep a nigga motivated
Percocet keep em motivated
Good drank keep a nigga motivated
Lortabs on my conversation
Talk a lot of bands then we conversatin'
I was on my way to Rice Street in the paddie wagon and it had me numb
The pain from the slum had me numb
Tryna sell some dope and need caviar
Got the passport inside Arabia
We've been flossing in medallions
We ain't nothing but some Talibans
I pull up right now and embarrass ya
I've just been hanging with savages
Lately I've been hanging around with my savages
I grew up on the block, 1 hunnid
I go on the block it's 1 hunnid
I done did enough in the jungle
I done put in some work and they love me
When I drink out the cup, it's so dirty
Had to blow at the store when they was lurking
Poured a 4 in a cup it was breakfast
sprinkled sauce in my drink and I took it
I think 56 nights crazy
I think 56 nights crazy
I think me and Esco crazy
I think me and Young Sco' crazy
I did 56 broads on the European tour and they was all crazy
I did 56 broads on the European tour and they was all crazy
I took 56 bars all in one month nigga and I'm still dranking
I could still see the scar on a nigga hand man shit real crazy
I been taking these molly's, still still nodding off cause a nigga too faded
I've been laying low key inside, my nigga, vault money is my motivation
Promethazine took my concentration
To another level then I elevated
Diamonds hanging on me I'm intoxicated
Diamonds hanging off me I'm intoxicated
Chop it up with a sack chaser
Told you I wasn't going back, baby
Hanging out with some crack babies
Fell in love with this cash baby
Money touch a niggas hands, on a few zans might wanna count it
Spend it all in one night, if we could rewind it, we'll still do it
I'm true to this game
I jump on a plane
And run to the stage
I've been working some years for this
Making music, I live for this
Hit a trap with my Louboutins
Count it up then I bag up a brick
Mount it up then I smash out in it
You know I'm gone do a whole dash in this motherfucker
I'm bout to pass out in this motherfucker
I'm bout to pass out in this motherfucker
These bitches louder than a motherfucker
These bitches still do anything for me
I think 56 nights crazy
I think 56 nights crazy
I think me and Esco crazy
I think me and Young Sco' crazy
I did 56 broads on the European tour and they was all crazy
I did 56 broads on the European tour and they was all crazy
I took 56 bars all in one month nigga and I'm still dranking
I could still see the scar on a nigga hand man shit real crazy
I been taking these molly's, still still nodding off cause a nigga too faded
I've been laying low key inside, my nigga, vault money is my motivation


future nights

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