French Montana Salam Alaykum

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Salam AlaykumFrench Montana

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French Montana Salam Alaykum Mahnı sözləri

Intro: Kyson]
No man’s an island when he’s had this conversation
No man’s a forest even if he tries to be one
I’ve seen your insides, they’re colorful
But you’re not an island even if you try to be one with me
If I had a problem, then so did you
It slows to the ocean and solitude
Oh, I swear, colorful
Need a steady hand, intentions clouded
[Chorus: French Montana]
Break bread with my people (Break bread with my people)
Poppin’ two, got three (Poppin’ two, got three)
French Molly, uh-huh (Hah)
Green card from that visa (Green card from visa)
Get caught and she’ll leave ya (Get caught and she’ll leave ya)
By example, I lead (By example, I lead)
Young legend when I leave, ah
Uh, uh, uh, uh (Ayy)
Wallahi (Wallahi)
Shake, shake ’em up, shake (Shake ’em up, shake)
As-salāmu ʿalaykum (As-salāmu ʿalaykum)
That pressure don’t break (Pressure don’t break)
It don’t matter what you do (It don’t matter what you do)
Man, they still gon’ hate you
[Verse 1: French Montana]
They said when you die, come back a year later
Creep in your bed, watch your main love creep
Money root of evil
Tunnel vision on the mountain like a eagle
Fresh off a crate, sharp like a forty-five needle
Fresh off the corner with a 45, servin’ dope fiends that need it
Truth like Beanie Siegel first album (Album)
Yeah, sit on Moroccan couches
Fountain of youth crib like Mott Haven housin’
Beat it up, eat the wrong browser
Had to climb mountains, then built towers
Used to bounce pass
Now it’s funny how the ball bounce, all the real vouch
Bulldog come skatin’
Took my bail to Malaysia, gave me a voucher
Now on top of LIV couches
Coke Boys got ’em in the drought
Wallahi, ayy
[Interlude: Kyson]
A picture frame wouldn’t hold me up
Need a steady hand, intentions clouded
[Verse 2: French Montana]
Ayy, all that talent can’t buy no heart
Can’t be loyal by a fault
Never let my dawg
Do somethin’ I wouldn’t do with my dawg
We the truth by far
Young G.O.A.T
Wait for it, [?][2:49]
Now this a prime way before you hit that heart
I built a penthouse in them trucks
Made the bread and ran through it
Told my lady couldn’t do it
I mean Adam and Eve couldn’t do it
Ayy, don’t compare me to these young ones
I made M&Ms and I’m on one
Montega, DeMarco, Don Juan
[Chorus: French Montana]
Break bread with my people (Break bread with my people)
Poppin’ two, got three (Poppin’ two, got three)
French Molly, uh-huh (Hah)
Green card from that visa (Green card from visa)
Get caught and she’ll leave ya (Get caught and she’ll leave ya)
By example, I lead (By example, I lead)
Young legend when I leave, ah
Uh, uh, uh, uh (Ayy)
Wallahi (Wallahi)
Shake, shake ’em up, shake (Shake ’em up, shake)
As-salāmu ʿalaykum (As-salāmu ʿalaykum)
That pressure don’t break (Pressure don’t break)
It don’t matter what you do (It don’t matter what you do)
Man, they still gon’ hate you
French Montana, they ain’t gon’ like you

French Montana- Salam Alaykum mp3 indir - mp3 yukle

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